[Release]IB Bot manager+bypass src

12/18/2012 20:22 guesswho-.-#196
Originally Posted by Yeyi View Post
how use :(
I thought I made it easy enough, I explained everything in the first post and yet you ask how to use it. but I'll do it again, so you can know the grace of the lord.
1. make sure your os is 64 bits
2. download AutoIT from their website
3. install it
4. open scite (that's the autoit compiler)
5. make sure both files (bot manager.au3 and nomadmemory.au3) are in the same directory
6. drop bot manager.au3 on the compiler
7. press F5 to run it

after you do that, run dekaron and click the memory check button. if there's an error, the bot wont work properly, if it says its successful, you're good to go.
12/21/2012 18:16 Yeyi#197
Originally Posted by elfulll View Post
Honestly ? here is no such thing as TuT for how to use ur brain, so start to open books and search .
mamameelguebo :D!
12/24/2012 13:49 bozkurts#198
thx for release..
İ have a problem
test result. memory reading error the bot may not work yoru PC. Error Code :1
how to fix. My OS 64 bit Win 7
12/26/2012 20:43 ->Barbossa<-#199
I have a problem .. when i start the Bot it shows the correct Map but the wrong Server. 20-30 seconds after i activate the bot it will enter the IB but when im in there the bot closes and says im at the worng position and i need to restart the Client.

Anyone got an idea why it happens? I reinstalled the bot and autoit but it still dont works. and yes im in the correct position be4 i enter the IB. and yes i got the windowed mode and the correct size. i allrdy asked guesswho and he helped me alot but we didnt fixed it so thats why i asked here.
Thanks for replies ;)

131+ bot doesnt work
44-90 bot works perfect lol
12/26/2012 21:25 himy_momo#200
i think you need update
$map = _MemoryRead(0x00C9EE68, $handle)
$map = _MemoryRead($map + 0x04, $handle)
$map = _MemoryRead($map + 0xAC, $handle)
12/29/2012 05:00 Famou$#201
I'm a little confused, I already tryed this and it gave me xigncode error. But from what it looks like its still working?
12/30/2012 00:03 poweritup#202
How do I make this bot work? I tried everything, but it keeps saying : Memory reading error. The boy may not work properly on your PC. Error code 1. I have tried to fix it, but I cant find any solutions..
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I got windows 8 64 bit.
12/31/2012 15:39 iCraziE#203
Its not working because theirs a problem with the memory read functions. Im also having problems reading memory in dekaron with the nomadmemory UDF.. needs an update.

This is a quick fix, that i just made until its updated or explained.

I simply took out all the functions that read memory..
Because of this, the bot wont run perfectly. It no longer can tell if you are
inside or outside the dungeon, so becareful.. use at your own risk..

you may spam skills outside the dungeon, if you fail.

I made the bot run on a timer. it goes in, and spams skills for 5 minutes, then it waits a minute and 15 seconds before trying to go back in.

*** END NOTE ***

Simply replace the code in your script with this:
#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Outfile=C:\Users\MightyPaPi\Desktop\boty\src boty\Nowy folder\src\bot manager x86.exe
#EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#include <ButtonConstants.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <StaticConstants.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <nomadmemory.au3>
func Maps()
$version = "1.5"
global $Form1
#Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=
Global $1, $map
$Form1 = GUICreate("Flybee Bot Manager", 617, 251, 192, 124)
$Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("44 - 90 Bot", 32, 184, 89, 41)
$Button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("91 - 130 Bot", 152, 184, 89, 41)
$Button3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("131+ Bot", 272, 184, 89, 41)
$Button4 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Startup bypass", 464, 184, 137, 41)
$Button6 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Memory Check", 464, 10, 137, 41)
$Input1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("dekaron.exe", 464, 150, 137, 21)
$Input2 = GUICtrlCreateInput("50", 175, 150, 40, 21)
$Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Bot manager written by Paul from elitepvpers."&@CRLF&"version: "& $version &@CRLF&"Flybee - bypass that lets you inject hacks while being in game"&@CRLF&"Startup bypass - write the process name (dekaron.exe by default) "&@CRLF&"and push the button."&@CRLF&"Each bot will repeat itself 50 times so make sure you have enough tickets!"&@CRLF&@CRLF&"Thanks for using it!", 48, 24, 400, 121)
$label4 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("repeat me: ", 110, 152, 60, 17)
$Button5 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Flybee", 384, 184, 57, 41)
GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Form1)
#EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ###

$dll = DllOpen("C:\Windows\System32\user32.dll")

Global Const $keys[8] = [0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0x5b, 0x5c]
;0xa0   LSHIFT
;0xa1   RSHIFT
;0xa2   LCTRL
;0xa3   RCTRL
;0xa4   LALT
;0xa5   RALT
;0x5b   LWIN
;0x5c   RWIN

Func UnstickKeys()
	For $vkvalue In $keys
		DllCall($dll, "int", "keybd_event", "int", $vkvalue, "int", 0, "long", 2, "long", 0) ;Release each key
EndFunc   ;==>UnstickKeys

Func _ReduceMemory($i_PID = -1)
    If $i_PID <> -1 Then
        Local $ai_Handle = DllCall("kernel32.dll", 'int', 'OpenProcess', 'int', 0x1f0fff, 'int', False, 'int', $i_PID)
        Local $ai_Return = DllCall("psapi.dll", 'int', 'EmptyWorkingSet', 'long', $ai_Handle[0])
        DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'int', 'CloseHandle', 'int', $ai_Handle[0])
        Local $ai_Return = DllCall("psapi.dll", 'int', 'EmptyWorkingSet', 'long', -1)

    Return $ai_Return[0]
EndFunc   ;==>_ReduceMemory

func _PCheck()
	if processexists('dekaron.exe') = False Then
		msgbox(0,"Error", "The game has crashed, bot will be closed now.",10)
;~ 		Exit

Func _WinGetInfoByProcess($vProcess, $nShow = -1)
	If Not ProcessExists($vProcess) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ; no matching process
	Local $iWinList, $aWinList = WinList()
	Local $iResult, $aResult[UBound($aWinList)][3]
	Local $iProcessList, $aProcessList = ProcessList($vProcess)
	If $aProcessList[0][0] = 0 Then Local $aProcessList[2][2] = [[1, 0],["", $vProcess]]
	For $iWinList = 1 To $aWinList[0][0]
		For $iProcessList = 1 To $aProcessList[0][0]
			If WinGetProcess($aWinList[$iWinList][1]) = $aProcessList[$iProcessList][1] Then
				If $nShow > -1 And Not $nShow = (2 = BitAND(WinGetState($aWinList[$iWinList][1]), 2)) Then ContinueLoop
				$iResult += 1
				$aResult[$iResult][0] = $aWinList[$iWinList][0]
				$aResult[$iResult][1] = $aWinList[$iWinList][1]
				$aResult[$iResult][2] = $aProcessList[$iProcessList][1]
	If $iResult = 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) ; no window found
	ReDim $aResult[$iResult + 1][3]
	$aResult[0][0] = $iResult
	If $nShow = 2 Then Return SetError(0, $iResult, $aResult[1][1])
	Return SetError(0, $iResult, $aResult)
EndFunc   ;==>_WinGetInfoByProcess

HotKeySet("{HOME}", "_Pause")

Global $Paused

func _isinside($mapin, $coordX, $coordY)
	local $PID, $input
	$ppid = ProcessExists("dekaron.exe")
	$handle = _memoryopen($ppid)
	$mapc = _MemoryRead(0x00C9EE68, $handle)
	$mapc = _MemoryRead($mapc + 0x04, $handle)
	$mapc = _MemoryRead($mapc + 0xAC, $handle)
	$PID = _WinGetInfoByProcess($ppid, 2)
	if $mapc <> $mapin Then
		$problems = 1
		while 1
			if $problems = 3 Then
				msgbox(0,"Sir we has troubles", "The program could not enter by itself, please set it on the right position and restart it")
			ControlClick($PID, "", "", "left", 1, $coordX, $coordY) ;167, 318
			controlclick($PID, "", "", "left", 1, 461, 448)
			$problems = $problems+1

func _Pause()
    $Paused = Not $Paused
    While $Paused

$bot = 1
$input = guictrlread($Input1)
$ppid = processexists($input)
$PID = _WinGetInfoByProcess($ppid, 2)

#Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=
$Form2 = GUICreate("Bot Info", 357, 110, 217, 175)
$Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Char name: Coming soon!", 16, 0, 132, 25)
$Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Current Map: ", 208, 0, 132, 25)
$Label3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Run Number: ", 16, 48, 132, 25)
$Label4 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Server: ", 208, 48, 132, 25)
#EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ###

 func _mapcheck()
	$proces_ID = ProcessExists($Input)
	$handle = _MemoryOpen($proces_ID)
	$map = _MemoryRead(0x00C9EE68, $handle)
	$map = _MemoryRead($map + 0x04, $handle)
	$map = _MemoryRead($map + 0xAC, $handle)
;~ 	_MemoryClose($handle)
		if $map = 7 Then
		$map = "Loa Castle"
		elseif $map = 0 Then
		$map = "Braiken Castle"
		elseif $map = 3 Then
		$map = "Denebe"
		elseif $map = 5 Then
		$map = "Heiharp"
		elseif $map = 6 Then
		$map = "Parca Temple"
		elseif $map = 10 Then
		$map = "Castor Cave"
		elseif $map = 11 Then
		$map = "Frozen Valley"
		elseif $map = 12 Then
		$map = "Crespo"
		elseif $map = 13 Then
		$map = "Draco Desert"
		elseif $map = 14 Then
		$map = "Norak Cave"
		elseif $map = 15 Then
		$map = "Castor Cave"
		elseif $map = 17 Then
		$map = "Requies Beach"
		elseif $map = 18 Then
		$map = "Avalon Island"
		elseif $map = 19 Then
		$map = "Python Castle"
		elseif $map = 20 Then
		$map = "Tomb"
		elseif $map = 21 Then
		$map = "Doomed Maze"
		elseif $map = 23 Then
		$map = "Siege Map"
		elseif $map = 25 Then
		$map = "Crespo C"
		elseif $map = 26 Then
		$map = "Aquarius"
		elseif $map = 29 Then
		$map = "Abyss indun"
		elseif $map = 31 Then
		$map = "Crevice A"
		for $map = 39 to 44
		$map = "Dead Front"
		elseif $map = 60 Then
		$map = "Dead Front"
		elseif $map = 45 Then
		$map = "Chain of Fire"
		elseif $map = 46 Then
		$map = "Acquarai Ruins"
		elseif $map = 47 Then
		$map = "Space of Pilgrimage"
		elseif $map = 49 Then
		$map = "Cherubim's Nest"
		elseif $map = 50 Then
		$map = "Morse Yawalai"
		for $map = 52 to 55
		$map = "Karon's Transportship"
		for $map = 77 to 84
		$map = "DK DeadFront"
		elseif $map = 88 Then
		$map = "Worshipper's Shelter"
		elseif $map = 89 Then
		$map = "Tower F1"
		elseif $map = 90 Then
		$map = "Tower F2"
		elseif $map = 91 Then
		$map = "Tower F3"
		elseif $map = 92 Then
		$map = "Tower F4"
		elseif $map = 93 Then
		$map = "Tower F5"
		elseif $map = 95 Then
		$map = "Tower F1"
		elseif $map = 96 Then
		$map = "Tower F2"
		elseif $map = 97 Then
		$map = "Tower F3"
		elseif $map = 98 Then
		$map = "Tower F4"
		elseif $map = 99 Then
		$map = "Tower F5"
		elseif $map = 150 Then
		$map = "Ardeca"
		elseif $map = 154 Then
		$map = "Cartel [Infinite Battle]"
		elseif $map = 153 Then
		$map = "Secret Arena [Infinite Battle]"
		elseif $map = 155 Then
		$map = "Colosseum [Infinite Battle]"
		ElseIf $map = 65535 Then
		$map = "Char Screen"
	GUICtrlsetdata($Label2,"Current Map: " & $map)
	$server = _MemoryRead(0x00C9EE68, $handle)
	$server = _MemoryRead($server + 0x04, $handle)
	$server = _MemoryRead($server + 0xA8, $handle)
;~ 	_MemoryClose($handle)
	if $server = 0 Then
		$server = "Kalibus/Divine Valley"
	ElseIf $server = 1 Then
		$server = "Asray/Arcadia"
	ElseIf $server = 2 Then
		$server = "Blades/Helicita"
	ElseIf $server = 3 Then
		$server = "Oread"
	GUICtrlsetdata($Label4,"Server: " & $server)

While 1
	$nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
	Switch $nMsg
Case $Button2
	$ppid = processexists($input)
	$PID = _WinGetInfoByProcess($ppid, 2)
	GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Form1)
	GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Form2)
	$input2 = guictrlread($Input2)
	bot("d", 183, 301, 13, 154, 1000, 2500)
Case $Button1
	$ppid = processexists($input)
	$PID = _WinGetInfoByProcess($ppid, 2)
	GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Form1)
	GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Form2)
	$input2 = guictrlread($Input2)
	bot("a", 167, 318, 14, 153, 1000)
Case $Button3
	$ppid = processexists($input)
	$PID = _WinGetInfoByProcess($ppid, 2)
	GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Form1)
	GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Form2)
	$input2 = guictrlread($Input2)
	bot("w", 178, 302, 10, 155, 1000)
Case $Button4
	$input = guictrlread($Input1)
	$PID123 = ProcessExists($Input)
	$as = _memoryopen($PID123)
	while 1
		$1 = _MemoryRead("0x00401000", $as)
		if $1 = 1408011093 Then
	msgbox(0,"bypass", "Push OK after you've loaded the hacks in CE. ")
Case $Button5
	msgbox(0,"Flybee","Change your hacks now")
 Case $Button6
   MsgBox(0,"Sorry!","Temporarily Disabled")

func bot($direction, $coordX, $coordY, $mapindex, $mapin, $castsleep = 500,$normaldelay = 1000)
	msgbox(0,"Infinite Battle Bot","The bot will start in 5 seconds", 5)
		ControlClick($PID, "", "", "left", 1, $coordX, $coordY) ;167, 318
		controlclick($PID, "", "", "left", 1, 461, 448)
		GUICtrlsetdata($Label3,"Current Run: " & $bot)
		;_isinside($mapin, $coordX, $coordY)
		$key = 0
		$begin = TimerInit()
		while 1
		    $dif = TimerDiff($begin)
			$key = $key+1
			if $key = 10 Then
				$key = 0
			;$proces_ID = ProcessExists($Input)
			;$handle = _MemoryOpen($proces_ID)
			;$map = _MemoryRead(0x00C9EE68, $handle)
			;$map = _MemoryRead($map + 0x04, $handle)
			;$map = _MemoryRead($map + 0xAC, $handle)
;~ 			_MemoryClose($handle)
			;if $map = $mapindex Then
			If $dif > 305000 Then
		Sleep(75000); waiting to leave dungeon
		$bot = $bot+1
	until $bot = $input2
	msgbox(0,'sir, its done!', 'the bot has finished its work, it will now shut the pc down', 10)
I have not tested this, so if any problems, just shoot me a pm.. atleast until we can find a way around the memory reading issues.
12/31/2012 19:52 guesswho-.-#204
The map and server pointers are outdated. I sent the update to a couple of people, I'm not even close to being home, but when I am I'll post the updated bot. Make a list of things you want to see in the new version, I'll work on it on my gfs lappy if i find time.
01/02/2013 02:28 iCraziE#205
send me the update :) if u get a chance ... i only need the update for the map pointers.. thanks in advance..
02/02/2013 00:54 Naniooooo#206
why diasble xigncide worked for me just 1 time ?
which version should i use and where to press disable xigncodE ?
02/02/2013 10:32 guesswho-.-#207
suspenders were patched ages ago and I didnt include disable xigncode in this release and Im not going to do it
02/02/2013 10:55 Naniooooo#208
well i dont know what i did but once i pressed on disable xigncode it says
whatchdog proccess has stoped
then i pressed close
and continue playing
no idea what i did
02/02/2013 11:01 guesswho-.-#209
you probably have another version from god only knows where, I didnt release or give out the version with disable xigncode, and it didnt just stop the xigncode but prevented it from being loaded.
02/02/2013 14:32 Naniooooo#210
nahhh i found 1 way but when i try to make the code with nop i get gpfght somhing like that
can you send me the updated bot cuz mine
when enter in dg it press ECS a few times then error 3 pop out
that i need to restart the bot

here i made it again lol
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