★ Calcium's Elo Boosting | Plat (1650) & Diamond (1850) 3v3 | 0-2000 Solo Queue| NA ★

10/03/2012 00:00 .Calcium#1
Hey everyone, welcome to my thread for elo boosting. My name is Calcium & I'm offering my services for 3v3 & Solo Queue Boosting.

Who am I?

I'm the manager of a 2300+ team who boosts people in Solo Queue and 3v3. We've been doing this for quite a while and have successfully raised several teams to the Diamond tier. I'll upload some pictures of previous teams we've raised and also some vouches.

How does this all work?

We're going to start off by filling a team of players who have bought our services.
After that, we go on each account and get 5 a minimum of wins so the person who bought the service is eligible for rewards.
Once we've gotten 5 wins on every account, we raise the team to Diamond/Platinum if it's not already at that rating.
You receive the rewards on November 6th, at the end of the season.

Estimated Time?

Platinum teams take us 1 day to complete, Diamond teams take us 2-3 days to complete. If we do not get your job finished within 4 days, you will receive a full refund.



$75 for 1650 (Platinum Rewards)
$160 for 1850 (Diamond Rewards)

Solo Queue

First 10 Placement Matches $50 (Should win all 10, getting you gold!)
0-1200 ($0.30/1 elo)
1200-1300 ($0.32/1 elo)
1300-1400 ($0.35/1 elo)
1400-1500 ($0.40/1 elo)
1500-1600 ($0.45/1 elo)
1600-1700 ($0.50/1 elo)
1700-1800 ($0.55/1 elo)
1800-1900 ($0.60/1 elo)
1900-2000 ($0.75/1 elo)
2000-2100 ($1.00/1 elo)
2100-2200 ($1.50/1 elo)

Who will be playing my account?

As I said, I have several 2300+ boosters, I will assign a booster to your account. If you would like to know the names of my boosters, add me on skype.

How do I know you won't scam me?

I've acquired more than 20 tbm rep & have satisfied over 30 customers, check the posts on the thread to view the feedback. All our customers are extremely happy!

Contact Information

Skype : CalciumEloBoost
Message on ElitePvPers.

Pictures of Past Boosts

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10/03/2012 01:26 rite22#2
contacted on skype about the diamond boost
10/03/2012 02:16 .Calcium#3
I don't see how it can be fishy, but okay. If you're not going to be buying, don't bother posting.
10/03/2012 02:24 Dirac7#4
Originally Posted by kevinongg View Post
seems fishy to me.
I have the same feeling. First you're braking the rules by making multiple threads on his services. So I suggest you stop doing this. Next in the thread where you had vouches 100% of them had only had 1 post in the forums here. That doesn't mean they're fake but it does look suspicious. Finally something that you could have done to make yourself reputable and bring in some business was to DouQ a couple games with trusted voucher to vouch for you. In fact at least one trusted voucher offered this service this to you. Due to the lack of a response from him I doubt you accepted his offer.

The thing about not posting if you're not interested is invalid. The people in this community try to look out for each other. If you don't want to look suspicious I suggest you find a trusted member to vouch for you.
10/03/2012 02:34 kevinongg#5
Originally Posted by .Calcium View Post
I don't see how it can be fishy, but okay. If you're not going to be buying, don't bother posting.
Why can't i post if i'm not purchasing anything? Great business tactics. Next time I walk into armani exchange I'll expect them to tell me to get the fuck out if your not buying anything. :)
10/03/2012 03:13 .Calcium#6
I had gotten customers that I had found from Public Chat to come on here an vouch for me once I had finished the job.

I had to make a new thread because I wanted to completely redesign my thread & start from scratch.

I'm offering a service that you can pay after each win, to make sure that I'm not going to run off with your money and you dare tell me that it's "fishy"?

Get real.
10/03/2012 03:56 Dirac7#7
Originally Posted by .Calcium View Post
I had gotten customers that I had found from Public Chat to come on here an vouch for me once I had finished the job.

I had to make a new thread because I wanted to completely redesign my thread & start from scratch.

I'm offering a service that you can pay after each win, to make sure that I'm not going to run off with your money and you dare tell me that it's "fishy"?

Get real.
You know there is something called an edit option so the whole thing with redesigning your thread doesn't fly. Either way it's against forum rules and you have made 4 threads about your services. Plus you made a thread earlier today and as far as I can tell the only difference is that you links work in this one and that could have easily been corrected by editing.

I never called you a scammer. I merely pointed out things that one can view as suspicious and offered the advice of how to correct this and the idea of getting a vouch from a reputable voucher. Horus19 offered to vouch for you in this thread for a trial run and iceCreamBanana offered it in another one of your threads. Finally if you want business I suggest you be more respectful.
10/03/2012 04:29 .Calcium#8
If anyone who's trusted, and has more than 25 tbm rep wants me to duo with them, that's completely fine. I just can't see myself giving vouch queues to someone with 3 tbm rep...

I didn't see the last voucher from the previous thread but I'd be more than glad to prove myself trustworthy. I was frustrated and rude because I find it extremely disrespectful for someone to just come in to this thread, without any intent of buying (I know that because mr kevinongg is indonesian) comes in to my thread and says that it's fishy, even when I offer a pay per win service.

Anyways, thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it.
10/03/2012 17:11 Dirac7#9
If you want a vouch from some with high tbm I would suggest xCyburn. He has 140tbm.
10/03/2012 20:27 .Calcium#10
We've discussed about it, we should be playing today but it's difficult because he's from EUW and I'm from NA.
10/03/2012 20:47 Gungho Gun Wolf#11
Purchased a boost, Will update you guys when its finished will also link my Lolking after its done.
10/04/2012 06:40 somethingweasiansgot#12
buying boost 1750-1850
10/04/2012 15:15 daraone#13
do u have time? i added u.
10/04/2012 17:39 .Calcium#14
Still looking for people to fill the diamond/platinum teams!
10/05/2012 05:25 exidis#15
Buying a diamond 3v3 spot, will update this when job is finished.