S>> wat-war-monk 130-130-136

09/18/2012 21:49 sqizzy#1

My rules:
- I will not go first.
- Middle man is allowed.
- PM only.
- If you do not accept these rules don't bother to contact me.



My account:

water-warrior-monk 130-130-136

I lvled nearly all the weapons available on conquer online to lvl 12 along with all the weapon skills.
All the auras are fixed as well as the water skills.

Martial artist fixed
Warlock locked
Chi master lvl 6
Sage locked
Apothecary fixed
Performer fixed
Wrangler fixed
2400 study points so far

Achievement points:


Super +8 p3 perm -5 2 SDG LvL 120 headband
Super +7 p6 perm -5 2 SDG LvL 134 Necklace
Super +8 p6 perm -3 2 SDG LvL 135 bead X2
Super +8 p6 perm -5 2 SDG LvL 130 Monk armor
Super +8 p3 perm -5 2 SDG LvL 129 Boots
Super +8 p6 perm -5 2 SDG LvL 136 Ring
Super +8 -1 2 SGG Tower
Super +8 -1 2 STG Fan
Steed +8


Full warrior plvl gear set
Full Violet set
Full moon set
+ stones
Super +6 2 SDG lvl 121 Tro armor

Battlepower without mentor: 325
Battlepower with mentor: 330
09/19/2012 00:43 royboy01#2
what is ur base price
09/23/2012 12:48 Renee02#3
Price. ?