09/16/2012 04:44 danmw3#1
Hello I am danmw3 and im starting a brand new minecraft tekkit server. I am looking for great spawn builders, config editors, website coders and a logo designer.
You must be at least 14 years of age before becoming a server staff.

Little about the server:
Server Name: BattleNations
WhiteListed(only until it's ready to be public)
RAM: 3gb dedicated
Host: KolaHosting
Tekkit Build: 3.1.2
Ip: (Must Have Port!!)

Little About Me:
Age: 14
I develop some private bukkit plugins
I live in Ohio, United States
I have been playing minecraft since i was about 9-10 years old
I have had many server experience

If u want any more info about me or the server just post a comment below.
or if u want to help with the things at the top of the post just post a comment below.
