09/03/2012 18:41 H1GHV0LT4G3#1

09/03/2012 19:47 noahrmal#2
SG ... GF and SG are different versions, so thats not a world record

PS: Nice song ;)
09/03/2012 23:30 Befagor#3
This can be only an Record for Singapure and Publishers with the same Content.

But as Example Gameforge - biggest Metin2 Publisher - have not the same Equip., so thats not compareable.

Last time a german Player make nearly 100k Damage .. without +5/+6 Stones etc.
09/04/2012 03:54 H1GHV0LT4G3#4
Ye kinda true anyway metin2 sg and metin2 us are kinda the same , and thats a record anyway :)
09/04/2012 13:41 bl4ckout_joe#5
Sead hat 104k gemacht aufm DE Server und auf SG gibts 100%ig andere Bonis oder Steine..
Also naja
09/09/2012 04:22 Teh Plex#6
Sg is auch op -.-"