Max Aggro Monsters

08/31/2012 15:47 joshyb123#1
Been looking at what may do it.

Dont have sql and everything setup on this pc atm, so havnt been able to test it myself.

Anyone know exactly what controls how many aggro mobs you can have on you in specific maps?

I was thinking maybe ''wChaoticDecrease'' in maplist.csv
Since they seem to follow how many usualy can aggro, but the whole decrease bit makes it sound wrong...

Edit: NOT LOOKING FOR A HACK...... legit change to server lol.
08/31/2012 15:54 kurmiz#2
You mean how much monsters 1 target can lure?
ai/list.csv DwTarget column.
08/31/2012 16:06 joshyb123#3
Uhh, i dont even have a list.csv in there. just Pattern folder.
aggroaccount.csv, aggrosetting.csv, aisetting.csv, damageaggrocode.csv, info.csv, npcz.csv, patterninfo.csv :/

and neither have "DwTarget"
theres 'dwMAXAggro' but that makes no sence cuz its value is apparently 2500000...
08/31/2012 16:08 kurmiz#4
Ow my bad, its ai/info.csv
Column: DwFollowTarget

P.S. dumb brains lied to me :O