Question about map.

08/16/2012 15:31 STIV123#1
Hello EPvP,

I have a question about map: How to make a map, where everyone can fight everyone? Light can fight Light and fury, same for fury can fight fury and light. I know it can be done, and i know it has already be done. If anyone can POINT me where i could start working on that, please do so. Example, Secret arena. What i need to do with it, etc?

Thanks for your time on reading, and hopefully answering. =)

Kind Regards!
08/16/2012 18:54 JohnHeatz#2
I have seen this just once, and was created by LPH, have been trying myself to recreate it but have not been able to do so, because there are multiple things to take into account for this matter, different skill fixes, as well as the fact in which there can be no parties and such...
08/17/2012 00:06 STIV123#3
yeah, i know. It would be allotta work. >.> allthought i really wanna make it o_o" I just need to know where to start... anyway ty for the reply John, hopefully someone knows where i may start.
08/18/2012 00:19 STIV123#4
24 hours passed, so /BUMP!!!!

Hopefully someone knows. ^^