[WTS] Star Trek Online Account

08/12/2012 08:02 SellSellSell#1
Starfleet Tactical Officer
Vice Admiral (50)
Male Human
(Klingon slot free)
Boffa skill points available over 1,500,000
EC 1,700,000+
Dilithium refined 179,000+
Gold-Pressed Latinum 11,000+
5 Purple
36 Blue
52 Green
3 white (2 refuges)
Type: Free-2-play account
and full bank of useful items (lots and lots of datas for crafting (rare and normal))

Trades via moneybookers (skrill), or any cards that can be used in other games (I do not have paypal)
08/18/2012 09:05 SellSellSell#2
B u m P
08/20/2012 17:47 LilShadow#3
any maco or omega set items?
and what ships are on the account?
08/21/2012 03:48 SellSellSell#4
no maco or omega
and its level ships (no cash shop ships or w/e) (escort ships ofc)

also its now 1000 ZEN and only like 2k+ dilithium

anyway I quited game and uninstalled it
08/29/2012 11:40 SellSellSell#5
lets give it a one last push lol