All I ask for is resources for Battle Pirates

07/30/2012 22:04 JoeLewd#1
I don't want instant this or that I will wait my time for it, And I will take my beatings while getting resources from drac mines, drill rigs , turbines and such
I just find it pretty sad I can't even find a file to get resources
Most of you can look in your message folders and seen that I have helped you in some way or another Some I donate ( without asking for a thing)
Others I have gave direction even in pictures so new players can follow on how to run fiddler. What to block , where to put what,

All I ask for is a simple .swf file that gets me resources

Thank you
07/30/2012 22:32 teddy song#2
i think rokon file still's for repair and res i guess....check that out
07/31/2012 14:07 StreHa#3
If Rokon is reading, buddy could u pls add some more ppl to your list? If so I would like to be on that list.

thx in advence
07/31/2012 16:47 jakers94#4
sent you pm
08/02/2012 11:57 StreHa#5
@jakers94 who was ment? i didnt got any pm