VB take a word !

07/28/2012 19:51 eragonCRI#1
hi, i want to create a program in VB linguage...

i make a example:
i want that program going in this site view-source:[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...] and take this word var google_conversion_color = "666666"; but only 666666
and this 666666 put in a textbot or label !

like a Matrix Ban Checker from [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]
you put a link and they got your id .... like this !!

andrew12341 if u read this help me !! TNX

-srry for bad english :)
07/28/2012 22:12 MoepMeep#2
Regular expressions.
08/05/2012 18:29 Andrew™#3
Ok, no problem, You can use something like that:
dim request as httpwebrequest = httpwebrequest.create(URL)
            dim response as httpwebresponse = request.getresponse
            dim sr as streamreader = new streamreader(response.getresponsestream())
            dim sourcecode as string = sr.readtoend
            tb2.text = sourcecode
dim str as string = tb2.text
        ¨tb2.text = str.remove(0, (str.indexof("finded: ")))
        tb2.selectionstart = 0 <--start of selected text
        tb2.selectionsength = 3 <--end of^^

        tb3.text = tb2.selectedtext
        return (str.substring(0, str.indexof("'")))
If you need more help, PM