Bot for [SRO-R] X-Gaming Silkroad?

07/17/2012 21:56 FoxRayz#1
Hey, i've been searching for a bot to this server, without any results.

Any bot released for this server so far? Sadly mbot isn't working at all for this server since they got their own client.

If anyone knows how to bot reply with a message here

Thanks in advance Foxrayz
07/17/2012 22:56 2:00 PM#2
ibot used to work bot atm it doesn't work -_- However one of the mods said he was going to make it work once again when he has time :P
07/17/2012 22:57 intercsaki#3
Adding autoselect and using keypresser? o: Oldschool.. :)
07/19/2012 05:09 FoxRayz#4
Okay thanks for the answers :) Yea sure a keypresser works, guess i just have to add the autoselect into the pk2 and extend the range :)