~TuT~ sx.rar Client

12/25/2008 04:57 JohnEdwards#1
Ok I dont use this, and I'm tired of noobs asking how. I got it to work but deleted it afterwards :|.

First download it.

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find the stuff you need here.

Next Install Dead front 2910 +3610 client

[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...] thats dead front client.

[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...] << download that and just use patch.

After that go into your sx.rar folders and copy paste bin and data and the square boxes into your Dekaron folder 'BE SURE TO BACK UP THE ORINGAL ONES JUST INCASE YOU GET TO 69.3% then crash ok!!"xD, then go into your data/china/share then see your channel list and loginlist cvs files then type 0,0,IP,port in each of the things. but do the next steps first.

After that download the servers logintool you want open winhex sele ct open and select the logintool and press f7 scroll all the way down you should see

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Memorize that type it in your website browser and you should see this

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Put those in your login/channel list csv files and save :D should work now.

There you have it, if I should add anything let me know. :) i'll perfect this after christmas when im at my dads house = my good computer now im on my moms laptop but anyways Merry Christmas my prsent to all of you.


Screenshots go to TheIncredibles
Patch goes to trane.

Enjoy like I said this thing is not perfect I'll fix when I get home :).
12/25/2008 05:05 -GeForce-#2
thx nice 1
12/25/2008 05:35 JohnEdwards#3
NOT THE RIGHT WAY TO THNX NOOB :D and another less your GM dont use on any english p-server you will be banned on the spot, Use on chink server to give them chinks a butt kicking they deserve!
12/25/2008 05:43 KajiShikaku#4
Originally Posted by JohnEdwards View Post
NOT THE RIGHT WAY TO THNX NOOB :D and another less your GM dont use on any english p-server you will be banned on the spot, Use on chink server to give them chinks a butt kicking they deserve!
Whats wrong with you guys and the word chinks -.- Most of the threads I've read has atleast a word chink in it.
12/25/2008 05:50 JohnEdwards#5
If you've played the p-servers we have you wuld use "Annilate Chinks" some are nice but others tick me off <_< sorry if your Asian but chink and asian aren't the same.
12/25/2008 06:15 KajiShikaku#6
Originally Posted by JohnEdwards View Post
If you've played the p-servers we have you wuld use "Annilate Chinks" some are nice but others tick me off <_< sorry if your Asian but chink and asian aren't the same.
... I'm asian but am also chinese. So that offends me. Once in a while I wouldn't really give a shit, but seeing that it's used in alot of topics here, that really just pisses me off.
12/25/2008 06:17 layziiwunn#7
im asian and half chinese and it doesnt really bother me but using that term to insult someone does -.- CHINK and ASIAN are the same bro. they use CHINK to reffer to our squinted eyes.

&&thanks for the post bro. +thanks.

btw, what features are in the hack?
12/25/2008 06:28 KajiShikaku#8
Originally Posted by layziiwunn View Post
im asian and half chinese and it doesnt really bother me but using that term to insult someone does -.- CHINK and ASIAN are the same bro. they use CHINK to reffer to our squinted eyes.

&&thanks for the post bro. +thanks.

btw, what features are in the hack?
Just your basic wallhack and vac + speedhack.
12/25/2008 06:34 bubbanader#9
sigh......63.9% error :/. any ideas?
12/25/2008 08:39 trane.#10
:D I did it without this... It's easy to copy, get IP's and start, but it closes at 69.3% , always ^^
12/25/2008 08:40 JohnEdwards#11
Bubba i'm gonna figure out why its doing that :/, but sorry for using "Chink" didn't know it had something to do with squinty eyes, lol thought "Chink" "Chinese" mean't same thing so mean't nothing by it, and also it includes skill hax.
12/25/2008 08:42 KajiShikaku#12
Chink is a racist remark. Yes I forgot about the skill hacks. But you still have to edit it a little to give it what you want.
12/25/2008 10:13 x3v1Lx#13
And this hack doesnt even work..
12/25/2008 11:21 slaxer#14
that tut is totally lame, the SX.rar is a client itself, u just extract it and modify channel- loginlist, and then play. No need of deadfront client. SX is just like Xtreme client, u extract it and fkn play, go and try, if it not work then try again ;)
and if u get some error msg when u open the chinese launcher, u just change the main file where everything is located
12/25/2008 11:28 Mastershouter#15
agree... totally shitty TuT and not even right, U don neeed to patch anything. Just install client and change ips then u can start nearly every PS with it.
