
06/08/2012 20:27 mohm195#1
Hello epvpers!

Lately I've been trying to make a force party hack on KoemV2. I've made it like, when Player Appear -> write his name to text file and his ID. Then send the ID I want to force. But when I do this it just says "The character is not connected or not in range."

Anyideas why this happen? Although it was working when was just PlayerAppear then send to the AppearedPlayer.
06/08/2012 21:03 pamz12#2
have you tried this?
06/08/2012 21:14 thekingisback#3
i know it isnt the place to post this but do u know the Name Changer npc ID?
06/09/2012 00:46 RunzelEier#4
Originally Posted by pamz12 View Post
have you tried this?
06/09/2012 06:16 mohm195#5
Originally Posted by pamz12 View Post
have you tried this?
I have got this working, but when I read PlayerID from text file it doesn't work.
@thekingisback It's different from server to other, and what could you need it for ?;o
06/09/2012 07:19 pamz12#6
why would you like to write it in text file, it seems wierd?
06/09/2012 09:19 mohm195#7
First file write all PlayersIDs to a text, then I just pick a ID and put it in other file to forceit.
Got better idea? xD
06/09/2012 10:59 Roronoa Z.#8
make a map,
std::map<int,std::string> Force_m;
then you can either search for the playerid -> Force_m.find(PID);
or you can search for the name and get the PID then ->
for(std::map<int,std::string>::iterator it = Force_m.begin(); it != Force_m.end();++it)
if(it->second == "Your name") it->first; //it->first is your PID then.
06/09/2012 11:32 mohm195#9
Thanks! it rocks xD
06/09/2012 17:29 meak1#10
if (stricmp(Player[i].name,"urMother") == 0){
printf(">> Player ID: %d\n<< ", Player[i].ID);
06/09/2012 23:05 katze123#11
da isn "i" zuviel drin meak :D
06/10/2012 03:20 meak1#12
06/10/2012 09:28 katze123#13
strcmp statt stricmp :-D
06/10/2012 11:18 meak1#14
ne is richtig ;\

das i war glaube für groß und kleinschreibung...
06/10/2012 15:17 katze123#15
Originally Posted by meak1 View Post
ne is richtig ;\

das i war glaube für groß und kleinschreibung...
jo stimmt, mit i ist es ihm aber egal ob groß oder klein.. also wäre bei stricmp
char1 == ChAr1 true