Trade Accpunt with East for account on West!!

05/31/2012 00:05 vincient666#1
Hi! i played long time on East and ihave there account 30 lvl,
9x6300 champions, darius, renek, lee, swain, ezreal, hecarim, etc, and 35 other
full runes for junglers.. att speed, ms, and ap runes, runes for all champions
elo here is 1212 i don;t played it long time

I wanna for it account on West, with runes for junglers and some jungler like:
shyvana, mundo, olaf, nautilius, lee sin, nocturne and etc.. pm me if some1 interesed
05/31/2012 19:56 flexnis#2
If u played before the Servers where splitted u should have a item on ur shop in the rubric "other". Which allows u to switch server once.
05/31/2012 21:24 vincient666#3
i can't do it
05/31/2012 22:48 Wergez#4
07/15/2012 22:23 axeugene#5
how about my account on WEST p.m me