HB ProfessionBuddy

04/26/2012 08:04 nilsgasser#1
Hallo zusammen
Ich möchte mir gerne mit HB ProfessionBuddy BB und KK von 1-525 machen.
Ich habe da aber ein kleines Problem und ich möchte jetzt kurz den Ablauf schildern...
Also ich starte zuerst WoW und logge mit meinem Char ein. Dann Starte ich HB und stelle dan ProfessionBuddy ein. Danach gehe ich auf ''Botkonfiguration'' und lade das Profil ''Mining-Herb (1-525)flying-GB2.xml'' so und dann klicke ich auf start.
In der selben Sekunde, in der ich auf Start klicke geht WoW und HB zu und ich bin auf meinem Desktop. Es geht ohne vorwarnung in der selben sekunde einfach zu. Ich habe hier noch den log

[07:30:40:540] Einloggen…
[07:30:42:081] An WoW mit der ID 6264 angeheftet
[07:30:42:292] Honorbuddy v2.0.0.5872 wurde gestartet!
[07:30:42:294] Using WoW with process ID 6264
[07:30:42:294] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
[07:30:42:294] Executable Path: C:\Users\Nils\Desktop\Neuer Ordner\Honorbuddy\Honorbuddy.exe
[07:30:42:301] Charakter ist level 85 Dwarf Shaman
[07:30:42:303] Momentane Zone ist Sturmwind
[07:30:42:312] Neuer Bot hinzugefügt!: ArchaeologyBuddy
[07:30:42:546] [Instancebuddy]: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[07:30:42:549] [Instancebuddy]: Momentan unterstütze Instanzen für Tanks:
[07:30:42:549] [Instancebuddy]: (Diese Liste aktualisiert sich automatisch)
[07:30:42:549] [Instancebuddy]:
[07:30:42:549] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 15 - 21) Deadmines
[07:30:42:549] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 15 - 21) Ragefire Chasm
[07:30:42:549] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 16 - 26) Shadowfang Keep
[07:30:42:549] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 20 - 30) The Stockade
[07:30:42:549] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 26 - 36) Scarlet Monastery - Graveyard
[07:30:42:549] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 29 - 39) Scarlet Monastery - Library
[07:30:42:549] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 32 - 42) Scarlet Monastery - Armory
[07:30:42:549] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 35 - 45) Scarlet Monastery - Cathedral
[07:30:42:549] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 38 - 48) Scholomance
[07:30:42:549] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 42 - 52) Stratholme - Main Gate
[07:30:42:549] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 46 - 56) Stratholme - Service Entrance
[07:30:42:549] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 57 - 67) Hellfire Ramparts
[07:30:42:549] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 59 - 68) The Blood Furnace
[07:30:42:549] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 62 - 71) Mana Tombs
[07:30:42:549] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 65 - 73) Sethekk Halls
[07:30:42:549] [Instancebuddy]: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[07:30:42:892] Neuer Bot hinzugefügt!: Instancebuddy
[07:30:42:897] Neuer Bot hinzugefügt!: BGBuddy
[07:30:42:943] Neuer Bot hinzugefügt!: Gatherbuddy2
[07:30:42:949] Neuer Bot hinzugefügt!: Grind Bot
[07:30:42:954] Neuer Bot hinzugefügt!: Questing
[07:30:42:961] Neuer Bot hinzugefügt!: Mixed Mode
[07:30:42:967] Neuer Bot hinzugefügt!: PartyBot
[07:30:45:067] Neuer Bot hinzugefügt!: Combat Bot
[07:30:45:067] Neuer Bot hinzugefügt!: ProfessionBuddy
[07:30:45:103] MeshesFolderPath: C:\Users\Nils\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes
[07:30:45:103] KillBetweenHotspots: True
[07:30:45:103] AdvancedSettingsMode: False
[07:30:45:103] LogoutForInactivity: False
[07:30:45:103] LogoutInactivityTimer: 10
[07:30:45:103] LogoutInactivityUseForceQuit: False
[07:30:45:103] ProfileDebuggingMode: False
[07:30:45:103] FoodAmount: 0
[07:30:45:103] DrinkAmount: 0
[07:30:45:103] EnabledPlugins:
[07:30:45:104] AutoEquip2
[07:30:45:104] Bug Submitter
[07:30:45:104] Refreshment Detection
[07:30:45:104] Talented
[07:30:45:104] FormLocationX: 102
[07:30:45:104] FormLocationY: 106
[07:30:45:104] FormWidth: 395
[07:30:45:104] FormHeight: 330
[07:30:45:104] SelectedBotIndex: 8
[07:30:45:104] UseFlightPaths: False
[07:30:45:104] FindMountAutomatically: True
[07:30:45:104] UseRandomMount: True
[07:30:45:104] FoodName: 3770
[07:30:45:104] DrinkName: 58257
[07:30:45:104] MountName: 32239
[07:30:45:104] FlyingMountName: 32292
[07:30:45:104] LootMobs: True
[07:30:45:104] SkinMobs: False
[07:30:45:104] NinjaSkin: False
[07:30:45:104] LootChests: False
[07:30:45:104] HarvestMinerals: False
[07:30:45:104] HarvestHerbs: False
[07:30:45:104] UseMount: True
[07:30:45:104] PullDistance: 25
[07:30:45:104] LootRadius: 45
[07:30:45:104] FindVendorsAutomatically: True
[07:30:45:104] TrainNewSkills: False
[07:30:45:104] LearnFlightPaths: False
[07:30:45:104] LastUsedPath: C:\Users\Nils\Desktop\Neuer Ordner\Honorbuddy\Bots\ProfessionBuddy\Profiles\HB Profiles\(GB2 1-300)Herb&Mining\Alliance\(GB2 1-75)(Elwynn.Alliance)Herb&Mining.xml
[07:30:45:104] LastUsedPath: C:\Users\Nils\Desktop\Neuer Ordner\Honorbuddy\Bots\ProfessionBuddy\Profiles\HB Profiles\(GB2 1-300)Herb&Mining\Alliance\(GB2 1-75)(Elwynn.Alliance)Herb&Mining.xml
[07:30:45:104] MountDistance: 75
[07:30:45:104] RessAtSpiritHealers: False
[07:30:45:104] GroundMountFarmingMode: False
[07:30:45:104] FoodAmount: 0
[07:30:45:104] DrinkAmount: 0
[07:30:45:104] FormLocationX: 102
[07:30:45:104] FormLocationY: 106
[07:30:45:104] SelectedBotIndex: 8
[07:30:45:104] UseFlightPaths: False
[07:30:45:104] FindMountAutomatically: True
[07:30:45:104] UseRandomMount: True
[07:30:45:104] FoodName: 3770
[07:30:45:104] DrinkName: 58257
[07:30:45:104] MountName: 32239
[07:30:45:104] LootMobs: True
[07:30:45:104] SkinMobs: False
[07:30:45:104] NinjaSkin: False
[07:30:45:104] LootChests: False
[07:30:45:104] HarvestMinerals: False
[07:30:45:104] HarvestHerbs: False
[07:30:45:104] UseMount: True
[07:30:45:104] PullDistance: 25
[07:30:45:104] LootRadius: 45
[07:30:45:104] FindVendorsAutomatically: True
[07:30:45:104] TrainNewSkills: False
[07:30:45:104] LearnFlightPaths: False
[07:30:45:104] LastUsedPath: C:\Users\Nils\Desktop\Neuer Ordner\Honorbuddy\Bots\ProfessionBuddy\Profiles\HB Profiles\(GB2 1-300)Herb&Mining\Alliance\(GB2 1-75)(Elwynn.Alliance)Herb&Mining.xml
[07:30:45:104] MountDistance: 75
[07:30:45:104] RessAtSpiritHealers: False
[07:30:45:105] Bitte warte ein paar Sekunden während Honorbuddy initialisiert.
[07:30:45:106] Aktivität: Initialisierung.
[07:30:45:108] Aktivität: Lade: Speicherverwaltung & Speichertabellen

[07:30:45:233] H: 99-02-D6-46-3D-68-93-A6-C5-C8-52-0D-57-CB-7C-DB-1A-1E-F6-E6
[07:30:45:233] V:
[07:30:45:237] Aktivität: Lade: Zauber

[07:30:45:294] Aktivität: Initialisierung: Zauberverwaltung

[07:30:45:325] Aktivität: Initialisierung: Plugins

[07:30:48:311] [WeigtSet] Selected weight set: Shaman-Elemental
[07:30:49:004] Aktivität: Initialisierung: Navigation

[07:30:49:141] Aktivität: Initialisierung: Blackspot Verwaltung

[07:30:49:149] Aktivität: Initialisierung: Schlachtfelder

[07:30:49:155] Aktivität: Inizialisierung: Flugrounten

[07:30:49:181] Aktivität: Initialisierung: Routinen

[07:30:49:188] Generiere Zauberbuch
[07:30:49:197] Zauberbuch generiert
[07:30:49:199] Compiling C:\Users\Nils\Desktop\Neuer Ordner\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\ShamWOW
[07:30:50:297] Compiling C:\Users\Nils\Desktop\Neuer Ordner\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Singular
[07:30:52:034] Aktivität: Initialisierung abgeschlossen
[07:30:52:034] Initialisierung abgeschlossen
[07:30:52:034] Honorbuddy is up-to-date
[07:30:52:056] Aktivität: Initialisierung von Honorbuddy abgeschlossen
[07:31:54:133] Wähle ShamWOW v4.3.15 by Bobby53 als deine Angriffsklasse!
[07:31:54:156] LOADED: ShamWOW v4.3.15 by Bobby53
[07:31:54:156] % InitializeOnce: getting realm name
[07:31:54:187] Character specific config file loaded
[07:31:54:193] #-- GENERAL SETTINGS -----#
[07:31:54:194] # Debug: 'True'
[07:31:54:194] # UseGhostWolfForm: 'True'
[07:31:54:194] # DistForGhostWolf: '35'
[07:31:54:194] # UseBandages: 'True'
[07:31:54:194] # DistanceForTotemRecall: '30'
[07:31:54:194] # RestHealthPercent: '60'
[07:31:54:194] # RestManaPercent: '49'
[07:31:54:194] # TwistDamagePercent: '50'
[07:31:54:194] # TwistManaPercent: '25'
[07:31:54:194] # NeedHealHealthPercent: '50'
[07:31:54:194] # EmergencyHealthPercent: '35'
[07:31:54:194] # EmergencyManaPercent: '15'
[07:31:54:194] # LifebloodPercent: '70'
[07:31:54:194] # ShamanisticRagePercent: '100'
[07:31:54:194] # ThunderstormPercent: '65'
[07:31:54:194] # ManaTidePercent: '65'
[07:31:54:194] # TrinkAtHealth: '50'
[07:31:54:194] # TrinkAtMana: '65'
[07:31:54:194] # DisableMovement: 'False'
[07:31:54:194] # DisableTargeting: 'True'
[07:31:54:194] # MeleeCombatBeforeLvl10: 'False'
[07:31:54:194] # InterruptStyle: 'All'
[07:31:54:194] # DetectImmunities: 'True'
[07:31:54:194] # WaterWalking: 'True'
[07:31:54:194] #-- PVE SETTINGS ---------#
[07:31:54:194] # PVE_CombatStyle: 'Normal'
[07:31:54:194] # PVE_LevelsAboveAsElite: '3'
[07:31:54:194] # PVE_StressfulMobCount: '2'
[07:31:54:194] # PVE_PullType: 'Auto'
[07:31:54:194] # PVE_MainhandImbue: 'Auto'
[07:31:54:194] # PVE_OffhandImbue: 'Auto'
[07:31:54:194] # PVE_TotemEarth: 'Auto'
[07:31:54:194] # PVE_TotemFire: 'Auto'
[07:31:54:194] # PVE_TotemWater: 'Auto'
[07:31:54:194] # PVE_TotemAir: 'Auto'
[07:31:54:194] # PVE_Save_Totems: 'False'
[07:31:54:194] # PVE_Save_FeralSpirit: 'True'
[07:31:54:194] # PVE_Save_Elementals: 'True'
[07:31:54:194] # PVE_Save_DPS_Racials: 'False'
[07:31:54:194] # PVE_Save_Bloodlust: 'True'
[07:31:54:194] #-- PVP SETTINGS ---------#
[07:31:54:194] # PVP_CombatStyle: 'CombatOnly'
[07:31:54:194] # PVP_GroupNeedHeal: '90'
[07:31:54:194] # PVP_MainhandImbue: 'Auto'
[07:31:54:194] # PVP_OffhandImbue: 'Auto'
[07:31:54:194] # PVP_TotemEarth: 'Auto'
[07:31:54:194] # PVP_TotemFire: 'Auto'
[07:31:54:194] # PVP_TotemWater: 'Auto'
[07:31:54:194] # PVP_TotemAir: 'Auto'
[07:31:54:194] # PVP_CleansePriority 'Low'
[07:31:54:194] # PVP_PurgePriority 'Low'
[07:31:54:194] # PVP_HexIcon 'Triangle'
[07:31:54:194] # PVP_PrepWaterWalking 'True'
[07:31:54:194] # PVP_PrepWaterBreathing 'True'
[07:31:54:194] # PVP_Heal.HealingWave '90'
[07:31:54:194] # PVP_Heal.Riptide '89'
[07:31:54:194] # PVP_Heal.ChainHeal '88'
[07:31:54:194] # PVP_Heal.HealingRain '68'
[07:31:54:194] # PVP_Heal.UnleashElement '69'
[07:31:54:194] # PVP_Heal.HealingSurge '55'
[07:31:54:194] # PVP_Heal.GreaterHW '70'
[07:31:54:194] # PVP_Heal.OhShoot '35'
[07:31:54:194] # PVP_Heal.TidalWaves 'True'
[07:31:54:194] # PVP_Heal.CleanseSpirit 'True'
[07:31:54:194] # PVP_Heal.Pets 'False'
[07:31:54:194] # PVP_Heal.SearchRange '60'
[07:31:54:194] #-- RAF SETTINGS ---------#
[07:31:54:194] # RAF_CombatStyle: 'HealingOnly'
[07:31:54:194] # RAF_GroupNeedHeal: '90'
[07:31:54:194] # RAF_GroupOffHeal: '40'
[07:31:54:194] # RAF_TotemEarth: 'Auto'
[07:31:54:194] # RAF_TotemFire: 'Auto'
[07:31:54:194] # RAF_TotemWater: 'Auto'
[07:31:54:194] # RAF_TotemAir: 'Auto'
[07:31:54:194] # RAF_UseBloodlust: 'False'
[07:31:54:194] # RAF_SaveFeralSpirit: 'True'
[07:31:54:194] # RAF_UseThunderstorm: 'True'
[07:31:54:194] # RAF_SaveElementalTotems:'True'
[07:31:54:194] # RAF_FollowClosely: 'True'
[07:31:54:194] # RAF_CleansePriority 'Low'
[07:31:54:194] # RAF_PurgePriority 'Low'
[07:31:54:194] # RAF_HexIcon 'Triangle'
[07:31:54:194] # RAF_BindIcon 'Triangle'
[07:31:54:195] # RAF_HealStyle 'Auto'
[07:31:54:195] # RAF_Heal.HealingWave '90'
[07:31:54:195] # RAF_Heal.Riptide '89'
[07:31:54:195] # RAF_Heal.ChainHeal '88'
[07:31:54:195] # RAF_Heal.HealingRain '0'
[07:31:54:195] # RAF_Heal.UnleashElement '69'
[07:31:54:195] # RAF_Heal.HealingSurge '55'
[07:31:54:195] # RAF_Heal.GreaterHW '70'
[07:31:54:195] # RAF_Heal.OhShoot '30'
[07:31:54:195] # RAF_Heal.TidalWaves 'True'
[07:31:54:195] # RAF_Heal.Cleanse 'True'
[07:31:54:195] # RAF_Heal.Pets 'False'
[07:31:54:195] # RAF_Heal.SearchRange '75'
[07:31:54:195] # RAF_FollowAtRange '25'
[07:31:54:195] #-- SETTINGS END --------#
[07:31:54:196] Navigator.PathPrecision is: 2
[07:31:54:309] Error loading Global ShamWOW Config info from 'C:\Users\Nils\Desktop\Neuer Ordner\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\ShamWOW\Config\Sha mWOW.config'
[07:31:54:309] >>> EXCEPTION: Global config file ShamWOW.config contains bad XML:
[07:31:54:320] System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Die Datei "C:\Users\Nils\Desktop\Neuer Ordner\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\ShamWOW\Config\Sha mWOW.config" konnte nicht gefunden werden.
Dateiname: "C:\Users\Nils\Desktop\Neuer Ordner\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\ShamWOW\Config\Sha mWOW.config"
bei System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
bei System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)
bei System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize)
bei System.Xml.XmlDownloadManager.GetStream(Uri uri, ICredentials credentials)
bei System.Xml.XmlUrlResolver.GetEntity(Uri absoluteUri, String role, Type ofObjectToReturn)
bei System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.OpenUrlDelegate(Objec t xmlResolver)
bei System.Threading.CompressedStack.runTryCode(Object userData)
bei System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.Exe cuteCodeWithGuaranteedCleanup(TryCode code, CleanupCode backoutCode, Object userData)
bei System.Threading.CompressedStack.Run(CompressedSta ck compressedStack, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
bei System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.OpenUrl()
bei System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
bei System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)
bei System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
bei System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(String filename)
bei Bobby53.Shaman.Initialize() in c:\Users\Nils\Desktop\Neuer Ordner\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\ShamWOW\Shaman.cs: Zeile 476.
[07:31:54:331] Your Level 85 Dwarf Elementar Shaman Build is:
[07:31:54:331] Eleme/Verst/Wiede 31/7/3
[07:31:54:333] ... running the ProfessionBuddy bot Solo as Combat Only in Sturmwind
[07:31:54:333] Initialize: Battleground: False
[07:31:54:333] Initialize: RAF.........: False
[07:31:54:335] Initialize: IsInInstance: False
[07:31:54:336] Initialize: IsCombatOnly: True
[07:31:54:336] Initialize: IsHealer....: False
[07:31:54:336] Initialize: IsHealerOnly: False
[07:31:54:373] Max Pull Ranged: 40
[07:31:54:374] HB Pull Distance: 25
[07:31:54:569] [talent] Fulmination: will wait for 7+ stacks of Lightning Shield before using Earth Shock
[07:31:54:569] [talent] Cleanse Spirit: can only remove Curses
[07:31:54:571] [talent] Ancestral Swiftness: can cast Ghost Wolf on the run
[07:31:54:573] [glyph] Stoneclaw Totem: found, will use as Shaman Bubble
[07:31:54:576] [glyph] Unleashed Lightning: found, will allow use Lightning Bolt while moving
[07:31:54:584] % ignoring untrained healing spell 'Riptide' - setting health to 0%
[07:31:54:585] % ignoring untrained healing spell 'Oh Shoot Heal' - setting health to 0%
[07:31:54:586] % ### HealSpellManager Dump BEFORE PRUNE
[07:31:54:587] % Spell Description
[07:31:54:587] --- --------------------------------
[07:31:54:587] 0 Healing Rain
[07:31:54:587] 0 Chain Heal
[07:31:54:587] 0 Oh Shoot Heal
[07:31:54:587] 0 Healing Surge
[07:31:54:587] 0 Greater Healing Wave
[07:31:54:587] 0 Healing Wave
[07:31:54:587] 0 Unleash Elements
[07:31:54:587] 0 Riptide
[07:31:54:587] % ### HealSpellManager Dump AFTER PRUNE
[07:31:54:587] % Spell Description
[07:31:54:587] --- --------------------------------
[07:31:54:723] Detected PVP Trinket: Hartnäckigkeitsmedaillon des ruchlosen Gladiators
[07:31:54:733] % Effective Cleanse Priority: Low
[07:31:54:733] % Effective Purge Priority: Low
[07:31:54:894] % About to show dialog
[07:31:58:264] #-- GENERAL SETTINGS -----#
[07:31:58:264] # Debug: 'True'
[07:31:58:264] # UseGhostWolfForm: 'True'
[07:31:58:264] # DistForGhostWolf: '35'
[07:31:58:264] # UseBandages: 'True'
[07:31:58:264] # DistanceForTotemRecall: '30'
[07:31:58:264] # RestHealthPercent: '60'
[07:31:58:264] # RestManaPercent: '49'
[07:31:58:264] # TwistDamagePercent: '50'
[07:31:58:264] # TwistManaPercent: '25'
[07:31:58:264] # NeedHealHealthPercent: '50'
[07:31:58:264] # EmergencyHealthPercent: '35'
[07:31:58:264] # EmergencyManaPercent: '15'
[07:31:58:264] # LifebloodPercent: '70'
[07:31:58:264] # ShamanisticRagePercent: '100'
[07:31:58:264] # ThunderstormPercent: '65'
[07:31:58:264] # ManaTidePercent: '65'
[07:31:58:264] # TrinkAtHealth: '50'
[07:31:58:264] # TrinkAtMana: '65'
[07:31:58:264] # DisableMovement: 'False'
[07:31:58:264] # DisableTargeting: 'True'
[07:31:58:264] # MeleeCombatBeforeLvl10: 'False'
[07:31:58:264] # InterruptStyle: 'All'
[07:31:58:264] # DetectImmunities: 'True'
[07:31:58:264] # WaterWalking: 'True'
[07:31:58:264] #-- PVE SETTINGS ---------#
[07:31:58:264] # PVE_CombatStyle: 'Normal'
[07:31:58:264] # PVE_LevelsAboveAsElite: '3'
[07:31:58:264] # PVE_StressfulMobCount: '2'
[07:31:58:265] # PVE_PullType: 'Auto'
[07:31:58:265] # PVE_MainhandImbue: 'Auto'
[07:31:58:265] # PVE_OffhandImbue: 'Auto'
[07:31:58:265] # PVE_TotemEarth: 'Auto'
[07:31:58:265] # PVE_TotemFire: 'Auto'
[07:31:58:265] # PVE_TotemWater: 'Auto'
[07:31:58:265] # PVE_TotemAir: 'Auto'
[07:31:58:265] # PVE_Save_Totems: 'False'
[07:31:58:265] # PVE_Save_FeralSpirit: 'True'
[07:31:58:265] # PVE_Save_Elementals: 'True'
[07:31:58:265] # PVE_Save_DPS_Racials: 'False'
[07:31:58:265] # PVE_Save_Bloodlust: 'True'
[07:31:58:265] #-- PVP SETTINGS ---------#
[07:31:58:265] # PVP_CombatStyle: 'CombatOnly'
[07:31:58:265] # PVP_GroupNeedHeal: '90'
[07:31:58:265] # PVP_MainhandImbue: 'Auto'
[07:31:58:265] # PVP_OffhandImbue: 'Auto'
[07:31:58:265] # PVP_TotemEarth: 'Auto'
[07:31:58:265] # PVP_TotemFire: 'Auto'
[07:31:58:265] # PVP_TotemWater: 'Auto'
[07:31:58:265] # PVP_TotemAir: 'Auto'
[07:31:58:265] # PVP_CleansePriority 'Low'
[07:31:58:265] # PVP_PurgePriority 'Low'
[07:31:58:265] # PVP_HexIcon 'Triangle'
[07:31:58:265] # PVP_PrepWaterWalking 'True'
[07:31:58:265] # PVP_PrepWaterBreathing 'True'
[07:31:58:265] # PVP_Heal.HealingWave '90'
[07:31:58:265] # PVP_Heal.Riptide '89'
[07:31:58:265] # PVP_Heal.ChainHeal '88'
[07:31:58:265] # PVP_Heal.HealingRain '68'
[07:31:58:265] # PVP_Heal.UnleashElement '69'
[07:31:58:265] # PVP_Heal.HealingSurge '55'
[07:31:58:265] # PVP_Heal.GreaterHW '70'
[07:31:58:265] # PVP_Heal.OhShoot '35'
[07:31:58:265] # PVP_Heal.TidalWaves 'True'
[07:31:58:265] # PVP_Heal.CleanseSpirit 'True'
[07:31:58:265] # PVP_Heal.Pets 'False'
[07:31:58:265] # PVP_Heal.SearchRange '60'
[07:31:58:265] #-- RAF SETTINGS ---------#
[07:31:58:265] # RAF_CombatStyle: 'HealingOnly'
[07:31:58:265] # RAF_GroupNeedHeal: '90'
[07:31:58:265] # RAF_GroupOffHeal: '40'
[07:31:58:265] # RAF_TotemEarth: 'Auto'
[07:31:58:265] # RAF_TotemFire: 'Auto'
[07:31:58:265] # RAF_TotemWater: 'Auto'
[07:31:58:265] # RAF_TotemAir: 'Auto'
[07:31:58:265] # RAF_UseBloodlust: 'False'
[07:31:58:265] # RAF_SaveFeralSpirit: 'True'
[07:31:58:265] # RAF_UseThunderstorm: 'True'
[07:31:58:265] # RAF_SaveElementalTotems:'True'
[07:31:58:265] # RAF_FollowClosely: 'True'
[07:31:58:265] # RAF_CleansePriority 'Low'
[07:31:58:265] # RAF_PurgePriority 'Low'
[07:31:58:265] # RAF_HexIcon 'Triangle'
[07:31:58:265] # RAF_BindIcon 'Triangle'
[07:31:58:265] # RAF_HealStyle 'Auto'
[07:31:58:265] # RAF_Heal.HealingWave '90'
[07:31:58:265] # RAF_Heal.Riptide '89'
[07:31:58:265] # RAF_Heal.ChainHeal '88'
[07:31:58:265] # RAF_Heal.HealingRain '0'
[07:31:58:265] # RAF_Heal.UnleashElement '69'
[07:31:58:265] # RAF_Heal.HealingSurge '55'
[07:31:58:265] # RAF_Heal.GreaterHW '70'
[07:31:58:265] # RAF_Heal.OhShoot '30'
[07:31:58:265] # RAF_Heal.TidalWaves 'True'
[07:31:58:265] # RAF_Heal.Cleanse 'True'
[07:31:58:265] # RAF_Heal.Pets 'False'
[07:31:58:265] # RAF_Heal.SearchRange '75'
[07:31:58:265] # RAF_FollowAtRange '25'
[07:31:58:265] #-- SETTINGS END --------#
[07:31:58:275] Options saved to ShamWOW-realm-char.config
[07:31:58:277] % ignoring untrained healing spell 'Riptide' - setting health to 0%
[07:31:58:279] % ignoring untrained healing spell 'Oh Shoot Heal' - setting health to 0%
[07:31:58:279] % ### HealSpellManager Dump BEFORE PRUNE
[07:31:58:279] % Spell Description
[07:31:58:279] --- --------------------------------
[07:31:58:279] 0 Healing Rain
[07:31:58:279] 0 Chain Heal
[07:31:58:279] 0 Oh Shoot Heal
[07:31:58:279] 0 Healing Surge
[07:31:58:279] 0 Greater Healing Wave
[07:31:58:279] 0 Healing Wave
[07:31:58:279] 0 Unleash Elements
[07:31:58:279] 0 Riptide
[07:31:58:279] % ### HealSpellManager Dump AFTER PRUNE
[07:31:58:279] % Spell Description
[07:31:58:279] --- --------------------------------
[07:31:58:279] % Spell Description
[07:31:58:279] --- --------------------------------
[07:32:00:892] PB 1.469:Initializing ...
[07:32:00:951] PB 1.469:No DataStore Addon found
[07:32:01:367] PB 1.469: Adding TradeSkill Bergbau
[07:32:01:527] PB 1.469: Checking for new version
[07:32:02:876] PB 1.469: No updates found
[07:32:03:020] PB 1.469: Done Loading Tradeskills.
[07:32:07:548] Downloaded tilemap Azeroth
[07:32:07:616] Changed tilemap to Azeroth, Tiled: True
[07:32:07:705] PB 1.469: Loading profile Mining-Herb (1-525)flying-GB2.xml
[07:32:09:337] PB 1.469: Preloading profile C:\Users\Nils\Desktop\Neuer Ordner\Honorbuddy\Bots\ProfessionBuddy\Profiles\HB Profiles\(GB2 1-300)Herb&Mining\Alliance\(GB2 1-75)(Elwynn.Alliance)Herb&Mining.xml
[07:32:09:352] Warnung: ‘Factions’ wurde in die ‘GrindArea’ verschoben. Bitte beachte diese Änderung in deinen Profilen.
[07:32:09:432] Ändere aktuelles Profil zu level 1 - 86
[07:32:51:004] Bot wird gestartet!
[07:32:51:050] Ändere aktuelles Profil zu level 1 - 86
[07:32:51:052] PB 1.469:Start Called
[07:32:51:102] PB 1.469: Loading profile Mining-Herb (1-525)flying-GB2.xml
[07:32:51:974] PB 1.469: Preloading profile C:\Users\Nils\Desktop\Neuer Ordner\Honorbuddy\Bots\ProfessionBuddy\Profiles\HB Profiles\(GB2 1-300)Herb&Mining\Alliance\(GB2 1-75)(Elwynn.Alliance)Herb&Mining.xml
[07:32:51:981] Warnung: ‘Factions’ wurde in die ‘GrindArea’ verschoben. Bitte beachte diese Änderung in deinen Profilen.
[07:32:52:067] Styx.HonorbuddyUnableToStartException: You don't have a mining pick in your inventory and gathering minerals is enabled. Pick a mining pick or disable gathering minerals before using Gatherbuddy2
bei Bots.Gatherbuddy.GatherbuddyBot.Start()
bei HighVoltz.Professionbuddy.Start() in c:\Users\Nils\Desktop\Neuer Ordner\Honorbuddy\Bots\ProfessionBuddy\ProfessionB uddy.cs:Zeile 206.
[07:32:52:102] Cleared POI
[07:32:52:103] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
[07:32:52:104] Cleared POI
[07:32:52:119] >>> STARTING ShamWOW v4.3.15 by Bobby53
[07:32:52:158] Error loading Global ShamWOW Config info from 'C:\Users\Nils\Desktop\Neuer Ordner\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\ShamWOW\Config\Sha mWOW.config'
[07:32:52:158] >>> EXCEPTION: Global config file ShamWOW.config contains bad XML:
[07:32:52:159] System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Die Datei "C:\Users\Nils\Desktop\Neuer Ordner\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\ShamWOW\Config\Sha mWOW.config" konnte nicht gefunden werden.
Dateiname: "C:\Users\Nils\Desktop\Neuer Ordner\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\ShamWOW\Config\Sha mWOW.config"
bei System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
bei System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)
bei System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize)
bei System.Xml.XmlDownloadManager.GetStream(Uri uri, ICredentials credentials)
bei System.Xml.XmlUrlResolver.GetEntity(Uri absoluteUri, String role, Type ofObjectToReturn)
bei System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.OpenUrlDelegate(Objec t xmlResolver)
bei System.Threading.CompressedStack.runTryCode(Object userData)
bei System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.Exe cuteCodeWithGuaranteedCleanup(TryCode code, CleanupCode backoutCode, Object userData)
bei System.Threading.CompressedStack.Run(CompressedSta ck compressedStack, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
bei System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.OpenUrl()
bei System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
bei System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)
bei System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
bei System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(String filename)
bei Bobby53.Shaman.Initialize() in c:\Users\Nils\Desktop\Neuer Ordner\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\ShamWOW\Shaman.cs: Zeile 476.
[07:32:52:159] Your Level 85 Dwarf Elementar Shaman Build is:
[07:32:52:159] Eleme/Verst/Wiede 31/7/3
[07:32:52:159] ... running the ProfessionBuddy bot Solo as Combat Only in Sturmwind
[07:32:52:159] Initialize: Battleground: False
[07:32:52:159] Initialize: RAF.........: False
[07:32:52:159] Initialize: IsInInstance: False
[07:32:52:159] Initialize: IsCombatOnly: True
[07:32:52:159] Initialize: IsHealer....: False
[07:32:52:159] Initialize: IsHealerOnly: False
[07:32:52:185] Max Pull Ranged: 40
[07:32:52:185] HB Pull Distance: 25
[07:32:52:326] [talent] Fulmination: will wait for 7+ stacks of Lightning Shield before using Earth Shock
[07:32:52:326] [talent] Cleanse Spirit: can only remove Curses
[07:32:52:327] [talent] Ancestral Swiftness: can cast Ghost Wolf on the run
[07:32:52:329] [glyph] Stoneclaw Totem: found, will use as Shaman Bubble
[07:32:52:331] [glyph] Unleashed Lightning: found, will allow use Lightning Bolt while moving
[07:32:52:332] % ignoring untrained healing spell 'Riptide' - setting health to 0%
[07:32:52:333] % ignoring untrained healing spell 'Oh Shoot Heal' - setting health to 0%
[07:32:52:333] % ### HealSpellManager Dump BEFORE PRUNE
[07:32:52:333] % Spell Description
[07:32:52:333] --- --------------------------------
[07:32:52:333] 0 Healing Rain
[07:32:52:333] 0 Chain Heal
[07:32:52:333] 0 Oh Shoot Heal
[07:32:52:333] 0 Healing Surge
[07:32:52:333] 0 Greater Healing Wave
[07:32:52:333] 0 Healing Wave
[07:32:52:333] 0 Unleash Elements
[07:32:52:333] 0 Riptide
[07:32:52:333] % ### HealSpellManager Dump AFTER PRUNE
[07:32:52:333] % Spell Description
[07:32:52:333] --- --------------------------------
[07:32:52:349] Detected PVP Trinket: Hartnäckigkeitsmedaillon des ruchlosen Gladiators
[07:32:52:353] % Effective Cleanse Priority: Low
[07:32:52:353] % Effective Purge Priority: Low
[07:32:55:407] Mine/Herb 1-525: Made by HighVoltz
[07:32:55:433] Mine/Herb 1-525: Mining: True
[07:32:55:458] Mine/Herb 1-525: Herb: True
[07:32:55:505] Mine/Herb 1-525: Mining.Level: 8
[07:32:55:528] Mine/Herb 1-525: Mining.MaxLevel: 75
[07:32:55:552] Mine/Herb 1-525: Herbalism.Level: 19
[07:32:55:578] Mine/Herb 1-525: Herbalism.MaxLevel: 75
[07:32:55:603] % WhichShieldTypeNeeded: Lightning Shield on self with Mana at 100.0%
[07:32:55:603] % Need rest: true, ShieldBuffNeeded -- Mounted=False, Flying=False
[07:32:55:623] % GRDSTAT Enter REST [-me-]: h/m=100.0%/100.0%, combat=N, facing=N, melee=0, range=0, rooted=N, immobile=N, silenced=N
[07:32:55:665] % Enter REST [target]: Gastwirtin Allison.9313 th=100.0%, tdist=62.6 tlos=Y tlosocd=Y tcombat=N ttarget=(null) taggro=N tpetaggro=N
[07:32:55:690] % WaitForCurrentSpell: no cast or gcd in progress
[07:32:55:691] % GRDSTAT Exit REST [-me-]: h/m=100.0%/100.0%, combat=N, facing=N, melee=0, range=0, rooted=N, immobile=N, silenced=N
[07:32:55:720] % Exit REST [target]: Gastwirtin Allison.9313 th=100.0%, tdist=62.6 tlos=Y tlosocd=Y tcombat=N ttarget=(null) taggro=N tpetaggro=N
[07:32:56:124] % WhichShieldTypeNeeded: Lightning Shield on self with Mana at 100.0%
[07:32:56:124] % Need rest: true, ShieldBuffNeeded -- Mounted=False, Flying=False
[07:32:56:124] % GRDSTAT Enter REST [-me-]: h/m=100.0%/100.0%, combat=N, facing=N, melee=0, range=0, rooted=N, immobile=N, silenced=N
[07:32:56:149] % Enter REST [target]: Gastwirtin Allison.9313 th=100.0%, tdist=62.6 tlos=Y tlosocd=Y tcombat=N ttarget=(null) taggro=N tpetaggro=N
[07:32:56:182] % WaitForCurrentSpell: no cast or gcd in progress
[07:32:56:267] Totem Bar[Earth]: STONESKIN_TOTEM
[07:32:56:267] Totem Bar[Fire ]: SEARING_TOTEM
[07:32:56:267] Totem Bar[Water]: HEALING_STREAM_TOTEM
[07:32:56:267] Totem Bar[Air ]: WRATH_OF_AIR_TOTEM
[07:32:56:268] % Ressurection: dead ressurection target is invalid, resetting
[07:32:56:271] % WhichShieldTypeNeeded: Lightning Shield on self with Mana at 100.0%
[07:32:56:294] % WaitForCurrentSpell: no cast or gcd in progress
[07:32:56:326] Spell_C::CastSpell(324, 0, 0xF1301A5400009313, 0) [1]
[07:32:56:350] *Lightning Shield
[07:32:56:545] % WaitForCurrentSpell: waiting until gcd and/or cast are complete
[07:32:57:715] % ShamanBuffs: AllowNonHealSpells:True, atrest:True
[07:32:57:717] % GRDSTAT Exit REST [-me-]: h/m=100.0%/100.0%, combat=N, facing=N, melee=0, range=0, rooted=N, immobile=N, silenced=N
[07:32:57:751] % Exit REST [target]: Gastwirtin Allison.9313 th=100.0%, tdist=62.6 tlos=Y tlosocd=Y tcombat=N ttarget=(null) taggro=N tpetaggro=N
[07:32:58:193] % Need rest: true, IsWeaponImbueNeeded mh:True oh:False
[07:32:58:194] % GRDSTAT Enter REST [-me-]: h/m=100.0%/100.0%, combat=N, facing=N, melee=0, range=0, rooted=N, immobile=N, silenced=N
[07:32:58:226] % Enter REST [target]: Gastwirtin Allison.9313 th=100.0%, tdist=62.6 tlos=Y tlosocd=Y tcombat=N ttarget=(null) taggro=N tpetaggro=N
[07:32:58:226] % Ressurection: dead ressurection target is invalid, resetting
[07:32:58:227] % ShamanBuffs: AllowNonHealSpells:True, atrest:True
[07:32:58:228] % ImbueWeapons: NeedOnMainhand=True-Flametongue Weapon
[07:32:58:229] % WaitForCurrentSpell: no cast or gcd in progress
[07:32:58:291] Spell_C::CastSpell(8024, 0, 0xF1301A5400009313, 0) [2]
[07:32:58:292] *Flametongue Weapon
[07:32:58:511] % WaitForCurrentSpell: waiting until gcd and/or cast are complete
[07:32:59:644] % GRDSTAT Exit REST [-me-]: h/m=100.0%/98.6%, combat=N, facing=N, melee=0, range=0, rooted=N, immobile=N, silenced=N
[07:32:59:709] % Exit REST [target]: Gastwirtin Allison.9313 th=100.0%, tdist=62.6 tlos=Y tlosocd=Y tcombat=N ttarget=(null) taggro=N tpetaggro=N
[07:32:59:900] % IsWeaponImbueNeeded(): waiting 744 ms until next imbue check
[07:32:59:908] warning: UseMount takes precedence over UseGhostWolf: the Ghost Wolf setting ignored this session

Ich habe das ganze auch schon bestimmt etwa 5 mal gemacht und jedesmal passiert das gleiche. ich hoffe das jemand eine lösung für das problem hat :)

Danke im voraus und gruss
04/26/2012 08:39 •kяyteя•#2
Ich bin mir nicht sicher, aber ich denke das folgende Zeile das Problem hervorhebt:

Styx.HonorbuddyUnableToStartException: You don't have a mining pick in your inventory and gathering minerals is enabled. Pick a mining pick or disable gathering minerals before using Gatherbuddy2
bei Bots.Gatherbuddy.GatherbuddyBot.Start()
bei HighVoltz.Professionbuddy.Start() in c:\Users\Nils\Desktop\Neuer Ordner\Honorbuddy\Bots\ProfessionBuddy\ProfessionB uddy.cs:Zeile 206.
Hast du eine Spitzhacke in deinem Inventar?
Wenn nicht, kauf dir mal eine und versuchs dann nochmal...
05/01/2012 10:00 Fred :)#3
Nutzt man nicht eigentlich Gatherbuddy zum farmen ? also so mach ich es und es funktioniert wirklich gut , vielleicht solltest du da mal drüber nach denken ob du nicht lieber Gatherbuddy nutzen willst.
05/02/2012 08:38 Neli#4
Fred, mit Professionbuddy kann man bestimmte Berufe (Farm alsauch Crafting) von 0 auf x hochskillen lassen.
Hat nicht viel mit farmen zu tun, eher nur hochbekommen