just info

04/13/2012 22:41 lisaby#1
i try to search coordonate hidden dongeon, i found 2 , i continus to search

Id dongeon, coordonate in base SecretDungeonResource

120201 194925 33252 ( Palmir )
110101 189968 23850 ( El kassia )
04/14/2012 00:41 Judge12#2

X: 122448, Y:24974 CV1
X: 122098, Y:24605 CV2

X:195147, Y:33220 PP1
X:195365, Y:33266 PP2

X: 189844, Y:20236 SANCT

X:169131, Y:22628 TOA

X:153045, Y:22554 TOLS

X:136888, Y:22494 TOE
04/14/2012 01:01 ptifou78#3
Just like that pp1/pp2 and cv1/cv2 are the same you have only one hidden dungeon ;)
04/14/2012 10:01 lisaby#4
merci, thx

i see just one problem in cv hidden, dongeon with red lines
04/14/2012 15:50 ismokedrow#5
Red and White Grid Lines are caused by improper or outdated map files.
04/14/2012 17:04 lisaby#6
i test updated client no updated client french, us same probleme, i search
04/14/2012 17:39 Xijezu#7
...or just missing some texture-files.

If you connect to the server with an up2date PH-Client you can see that the Water is bugged in Horizon, if I remember right.
04/14/2012 19:01 lisaby#8
i find in file client terraintextureinfo.cfg
this line TEXTURE=44554,dungeon_crystal_tile011.dds i replace with
TEXTURE=44554,dungeon_crystal_tile011-1.dds name of the file, update client, server
and ok