Moderator Application [Conquer Online]

03/26/2012 10:26 Lateralus#1
Hello, I'm a 21 year old named Evan from the United States majoring in computer science with a concentration in computer engineering, currently as a junior. Due to my schooling, I am knowledgeable about many things in and outside the realm of just Conquer Online programming. I only got serious about programming a year ago, but I put ridiculous amounts of time into it and my skills improve exponentially as time goes by. My MSN is [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...].

I decided to apply because the section only has one moderator (though he's doing a great job) and from a few people urging me to apply. This is the forum I've been the most active on, ever, since I was 14.

I've been "playing" Conquer Online for 8 years (started roughly in September 2004), with lapses. I no longer play; I quit for good last year, but I still keep fairly up to date with the new additions. I'm extremely knowledgeable about the game - when I played, I was obsessed (to the point that it is the only MMO I've played seriously). I know a LOT about the intricacies such as the official design and implementation, since I'm developing a 1.0 source with Korvacs for a private server called Love2Hate, and we use the Eudemons source as a reference for it, which I'd estimate to be 90% similar to the 4217 Conquer servers (I think EO was built off of this version).

I have no experience as a moderator for a serious forum such as this one, but I know, and am able to perform, what is required to be a moderator. Though I can be biased (who isn't?), I'll separate my bias from my moderating responsibilities. I realize that there are a few people in the section who are more qualified than me - however, none of them are interested in applying and I feel that I'm the next most qualified.

Thanks for reading and in advance for the consideration!
03/26/2012 10:48 donn#2
Even if my post count is low, I've been around ePvP and CO for quite a while. So if by any chance my opinion counts, you have a definitive Yes from me.
03/26/2012 11:11 Kiyono#3
My memory could be failing me but didn't you say that you don't have enough time to do this?
Anyway I say yes.
03/26/2012 11:19 Lateralus#4
Originally Posted by Kiyono View Post
My memory could be failing me but didn't you say that you don't have enough time to do this?
Anyway I say yes.
Yeah, I did say that... but I've come to the conclusion that I'm already on the forums enough that moderating won't slash much more of my free time. ;p
03/26/2012 16:49 OELABOELA#5
Lateralus for moderator!
03/26/2012 16:54 !DeadDoozer#6
Nice application! Yes! Your posts looks really helpfuly
03/26/2012 21:25 pro4never#7
yes of course
03/27/2012 00:34 Sanman.#8
yes from me.
03/27/2012 02:04 Deсker#9
Lateralus is one of the few 'talented' members of the conquer 2.0 forums. I think he would be a great addition to the moderator team.

100x Yes
03/27/2012 03:55 xcuz#10
You have many posts in this section, I say Yes.
03/27/2012 19:43 Spirited#11
I never saw you as the authoritative type, but I could see this working out. My vote is yes.
03/27/2012 21:11 lostsolder05#12
A big vouch for my man Lateralus.
03/27/2012 21:13 LetterX#13
Yes Please.
03/27/2012 21:13 Mr_PoP#14
approved yes form me!
03/27/2012 23:48 _DreadNought_#15
You sir, are not a bad cracker either ;)

Huge vouch for Lat.