Best rebirth combo?

10/10/2008 22:26 lxlramlxl#1
Well, im going to make a new char an wanting for know a good combo?
Is it still the water-war-troj? (I forget which order)
10/10/2008 23:32 milan63#2
i played some Kombinations
i like most troj warrior water
before i had troj warrior fire but i gave it up
mostly people have already +4+5 earrings so mag atack u do is not enough to kill them( i mean troj or warrior with shield)
but water is strong enough to kill them all especially with spear
So i enjoy now playing troj warrior water 130-130-130
have fun
10/11/2008 03:07 mrsnuffy#3
troj, war, fire

Cyclone, Spirit Healing, Iron Shirt, Roar, Shield, Golem, Reflect
10/11/2008 09:50 Hiyoal#4

Mana (Tao Magic Skills), Reflect and Duel Weapon with weapon skills (Along with better Attack).

~:Hiyoal:~ :)
10/11/2008 21:16 kinshi88#5
Originally Posted by ~:Hiyoal:~ View Post

Mana (Tao Magic Skills), Reflect and Duel Weapon with weapon skills (Along with better Attack).

~:Hiyoal:~ :)
Woot, Water-War-Tro ftw, thats what I am =P
10/12/2008 04:14 masterfushi#6
well i kinda like the fire fire troj cuz u have dodge so the archers cant do much damage then u have ur ears make it a +7 u b fine from fires then u one troj and omg u can kick some asss :D