Memory pointer help

02/03/2012 21:18 Millenia1983#1
Oh hi. What i have:

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$offset[0] = 0
$offset[0] = Dec("3E8")
$offset[0] = Dec("2A4")
$offset[0] = Dec("0")
$offset[0] = Dec("8")
$offset[0] = Dec("104")

$memory = _memoryOpen($PiD)
$pointer = _MemoryPointerRead("0x00F0FBAC", $memory, $offset, "CHAR[100]")
msgBox(0, "test", $pointer)
What am i doing wrong?
02/03/2012 21:50 Cooleko#2
It looks like you are using autoit.
$offset[0] is one location in an array, you need to make the others [1] [2] [3] ... [n] where n is the number of offsets -1

secondly, I dont know how your function call is set up, but i wrote custom code in mine to allow myself to use an array as a pointer

third, ffxivgame.exe = 0x00400000, so you need to add that to your offset.
02/03/2012 22:04 Millenia1983#3
Originally Posted by Cooleko View Post
you need to make the others [1] [2] [3] ... [n] where n is the number of offsets -1
yea, fixed.

Now, when i restarted client, adress of base offset has changed, why?

Okay, now i have

Dim $offset[4]

$offset[0] = 0
$offset[1] = Dec("3E8")
$offset[2] = Dec("2A4")
$offset[3] = Dec("0")
$offset[4] = Dec("8")
$offset[5] = Dec("104")

$memory = _memoryOpen($PiD)
$Client_address = hex("0x00400000")
$Base_address = "00F0FBAC"
$Final_address = dec($Client_address + $Base_address)
$pointer = _MemoryPointerRead("0x" & $Final_address, $memory, $offset, "CHAR[100]")
Right? Still nothing.
02/03/2012 22:49 Cooleko#4
Dim 6, not 4

"0x" & hex(dec("400000")+dec("00F0FBAC"))

You are getting your types wrong
02/03/2012 22:52 Millenia1983#5
Dim $offset[6]

$offset[0] = 0
$offset[1] = Dec("3E8")
$offset[2] = Dec("2A4")
$offset[3] = Dec("0")
$offset[4] = Dec("8")
$offset[5] = Dec("104")

$memory = _memoryOpen($PiD)
$Client_address = dec("00400000")
$Base_address = dec("00F0FBAC")
$Final_address = hex($Client_address + $Base_address)
$pointer = _MemoryPointerRead("0x" & $Final_address, $memory, $offset, "CHAR[100]")
Also i have a problem with finding base addresses and offsets.

Step 1 Isolating address.

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Step 2 Using of "what writes to adress" returns circle link.

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02/03/2012 23:22 Cooleko#6
that is because the file you are looking for is not the header of that section in memory. you need to determine where the start of this array is, that is the value that will have a meaningfull "writes to" response.
02/03/2012 23:36 Millenia1983#7
you need to determine where the start of this array is
02/03/2012 23:44 Cooleko#8
honestly, for me it is blind luck/brute force
02/04/2012 01:05 Millenia1983#9
SE makes new patch each 2-3 weeks so bruteforcing each month looks gay.
02/04/2012 06:20 Cooleko#10
once you get it right, you can learn how to do it must faster

for example, once you find your example above 104, 8, 0, etc... on the next update you can just pointerscan and put in 104, 8, 0, etc... into the offset box to find the base address faster.

For all my bots it takes less than 10 minutes to update the offsets. just SE likes to move things around, or add/delete data in the gui from time to time which causes a little more pain but not too bad.
02/04/2012 16:41 Millenia1983#11
i dont even know how those arrays should look and how should i search, so, pointless.
02/04/2012 17:58 lucid#12
After working with the memory of a specific game for a bit, you become familiar with it... so it wouldn't be pointless in the future.

It takes a lot of time and patience, particularly since this is your first game.
02/05/2012 12:32 13ouncer#13
Good information here. Wish I had this type of knowledge when I started searching FFxiv memory XD.

GL you all.