Selling Europe account, lots of IP and cool skins.

02/02/2012 18:54 Anonymouzz#1
46000 IP in the balance
Riot squad Singed
5 legacy skins (limited edition)
3 runepages, full

975 little knight amumu
Youtube Alistar
520 nightmare cho gath
520 legacy toxic mundo
520 Shadow Evelynn
520 legacy Nothinggam Ezreal
judgement kayle
520 legacy Shamrock Malphite
520 Galactic Nasus
975 Perseus Pantheon
975 Redeemed Riven
riot sqad singed special event code - worth 15-20 dollars on ebay and such really rare and unique
260 hextech sion legacy
975 legacy spectacular sivir
facebook tristana
520 legacy highland trynda
975 tango twisted fate
975 primal udyr

9750 RP total

These are only the skins bought with RP, I have bought numerious IP boosts as well

Ahri 6300
Akali 3150
Alistar - 1350
Amumu 1350
Annie - 1350
Ashe 450
Cho Gath 3150
Mundo 1350
Evelynn 1350
Ezreal 6300
Gangplank 3150
Garen 3150
Gragas 3150
Graves 6300
Irelia 6300
Janna 1350
Jarvan 4800
Jax 3150
Kayle 450
Kennen 6300
Leblanc 3150
Lee sin 6300
Lux 3150
Malphite 3150
Master Yi 450
Nasus 1350
Nocturne 6300
Nunu 450
Pantheon 3150
Poppy 1350
Rammus 3150
Riven 6300
Ryze 1350
Shaco 3150
Shen 3150
Singed 1350
Sion 1350
Sivir 450
Skarner 6300
Soraka 450
Talon 6300
Taric 3150
Teemo 3150
Tristana 1350
Tryndamere 1350
Twisted fate 1350
Udyr 3150
Vayne 6300
Veigar 1350
Vladimir 6300
Wukong 6300
Xin Zhao 3150

Total 52 owned champions worth
155550 IP

9x Tier 3 Marks Attack speed 1.7% 3690 IP
9x Tier 3 Marks Armor penetration 1.7% 3690 IP
9x Tier 3 Marks Attack dmg 1845 IP
9x Tier 3 Seals Attack speed 0.76% 3690 IP
9x Tier 3 Seals Cooldown Reduction -0.3% 3690 IP
9x Tier 3 Seals Armor 1.41 1845 IP
9x Tier 3 Glyph 1 mana regen at lvl 18 1845 IP
9x Tier 3 Glyph 1 AP 3690 IP
9x Tier 3 Glyph Magic resist 1.5 1845 IP
3x Halloween Quintessence 24hp each 3150 IP
3x Tier 2 Crit chance Quintessences 1.4% 1230 IP
3x Tier 2 Movement speed Quintessences 1,2% 2460 IP
3x Halloween Quintessences 3.1 Armor penetration 1800 IP
3x Tier 3 Ability power Quintessences 5 3075 IP

Totally on runes I have spent 35700 IP (Like 37000 because of the other t1 and t2 junk runes)

Elo is not high, around 1200 16 wins 15 loses.
Account name I will tell only to the ones interested.

Server EU/NE Can be changed to EU West.

Account balance is 46000 IP and 15 RP.
Paying is done by Paypal (I am verified don't worry).

The price is 90, but lets say it is around 70 (not lower than 55)
I have 805 normal wins with 0.9-1 ratio.

Skype: t3chn0base
02/02/2012 19:00 Legendary™#2
add me on skype
02/02/2012 19:03 Anonymouzz#3
Added you, please accept the request. :]
