ok this is....

09/19/2008 18:18 glodragons#1
really pissing me off why the hell dose my connection keep timing out when i try to connect to server one....
09/19/2008 18:21 hiynub#2
360 has gone to hell, im going back to TZ
09/19/2008 18:23 glodragons#3
why has it gone to hell... because u have to reinstall every time u DC? well i dont and i dont lag either and this is the first time ive ever had trouble logging in.... i like this server
09/19/2008 18:25 hiynub#4
dude... your being an ass
09/19/2008 18:27 glodragons#5
im not trying to im just frustrated atm my parents r fuking argueing and thats pissing me off more...