Selling LoL Acc. 84 champs [NA]

01/06/2012 02:14 Therealragdoll#1
1154 Wins. I don't play anymore and I could really use the money. I have screenshots of Champs and Runes but cannot upload them on here.
32 RP and 2043 IP on Acc

Own every Champion Except: Cass, Fizz, Leona, Maokai, Skarner and Victor.

Skins for:
Akali- Stinger, Nurse, Bloodmoon

Amumu- Pharoah, Re-gifted, Almost Prom King

Anivia- Bird of prey, Noxus Hunter

Annie- Annie In Wonderland

Ashe- Queen Ashe

Blitz- Rusty Blitz

Cait- Resistance and Artic Warfare

Corki- Urfrider and Red Baron

Mundo- Mr. Mundoverse

Ezreal- Nottingham, Explorer, Frosted

Fiddlesticks- Bandito Fiddle

Gangplank- Minuteman and Sailor

Garen- Sanguine and Dreadknight

Gragas- Gragas Esq.

Irelia- Nightblade and Aviator

Jarvan- Dragonslayer and Commando

Jax- Vandal Jax

Kassadin- Deep One Kass

Katarina- High Command Kat

Kayle- Unmasked and Judgement

Kennen- Ninja Kennen

Kog'Maw- Sonoran and Lion Dance

LeBlanc- Prestigious LB

Lee Sin- Traditional Lee sin

Lux- Sorceress Spellthief and Commando

Malphite- Shamrock

Malzahar- Shadow Prince and Vizier

Master Yi- Assassin Master Yi

Miss Fortune- Waterloo and Cowgirl

Morde- Dragon Knight, Infernal and Lord

Nasus- Pharoah

Nidalee- Pharoah

Orianna- Sewn Chaos

Pantheon- Myrmidon

Rammus- Ninja Rammus

Renekton- Galactic and Outback

Rumble in the Jungle

Tribal Ryze

Shaco- Madhatter and Jester

Shen- Yellow Jacket

Shyvanna- Boneclaw

Sion- Hextech and Lumber Jack

Soraka- Divine Soraka

Swain- Northern Front

Teemo- Recon, Badger, Astronaut

Riot Girl Tristana

Lil' Slugger Trundle

King Tryndamere

TF- Jack Of Hearts, Magnificent TF

Twitch- King pin and Gangster

Both Udyr Skins

Vayne- Vindicator and Aristocrat

Vandal Vladimir

WW- Tundra Hunter

Xin Zhao- Imperial and Viscero

Groovy Zilean

9 Rune Pages
Full Runes For-
MARKS: Arm Pen, Attack Speed/Damage, Flat HP, Crit Dmg, Crit Chance, Flat Ap, Flat Armor, Magic Pen

SEALS: Mana Regen/Lvl, Armor/Lvl, Flat CD, Crit Dmg, Flat Energy Regen, Flat AP, Flat Mana Regen, Magic resist/lvl, Flat Dmg, HP/lvl, Flat Armor

GLYPHS: Attack Speed, Mana Regen/lvl, Flat CD, Magic Resist/lvl, Attack Dmg, Flat Magic Resist, Flat AP

QUINTS: Attack Speed, Arm Pen, Flat CD, Flat HP, Magic Pen, Damage, Move speed, EXP. Bonus, Flat AP