Every1 With an Account Except Nuker!

09/02/2008 23:45 chicken01222#1
Hello people,

I am tired of buying selling and trading accounts and for now I sold all my accounts and I dont want to do this anymore.
Thats why I want to ask if anyone Want to share his/her account with me.
I am very good in grinding of Warrior from CS to GL. (Most fun)
I dont want to start all over again (><) and thats 2nd reason I am looking for an account to share.
Also I want to help people to get High Level Without that much work.^^
So if anyone is interested just Pm me in Forum and I will give you my msn to chat.

Thanks and have a nice day^^
09/12/2008 18:44 deathman234#2
hi man
i am Henk
i am yust starting today
but i think i could yuse some help with lvling
i know the game yust for 1 our or something(><)
09/12/2008 23:08 chicken01222#3
No Problem I help you if you want.
I just Quit my own Characters and Sold or sell them.
I got much time to spend :P
Just Send me Private Message with your MSN we can talk there :P
09/13/2008 23:34 waa#4
heres an account you can sell *cough* share

login-scammer alert

pass- thought you had an account to steal eh dummy
09/13/2008 23:43 chicken01222#5
Well I fyou think I am a Scammer why I am then succesfully sharing with 2 People?
So please shut up if you dont know me or even know anything.
atleast test me before you care about me.