can sumone help

08/27/2008 23:15 gintro#1
oki i looked throw the forums on serv making all is pk severs dose anyone one know a link to go to learn how to make a leveling serv
08/27/2008 23:24 harrypotter2#2
well this guide is using the LOTF source i hope it helps
(originally made by emilaydan1 A.K.A EmMe)
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08/28/2008 00:15 gintro#3
Ware can i get the source
08/29/2008 13:41 Bottingpunk#4
Well okay if you want a pk server like pvp ? where its every one vs everyone you can just download lotf but then go into it and like for the pkmap just have market or something . but then you could use samehvan's source. [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...] go there and look around sign up on there page and then go to current revistion how ever you spell that and set it all up but you need qonqer client easier. And tortisesvn just google it and you could get it if you want me to get a link ill get it then go to current rev like i said and then click on the very current which is like 4c......... and in once you have tortisesvn then go to your desktop and right click and go to new>newfolder and then right click on it once you have it made. Put a name if you want like MyServer or somthing. after the name right click it and say svn check out and put [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...] for the revision thing. :)