Getting items from SysListView32 using ContentViewWalker

12/27/2011 17:41 sarkoplata#1
yay epvp members, i wasn't asking here for long time, but this time im fully stuck.
The whole day i was searching to read the SysListView32 items with classic ways, using LVM_Getitem etc.
Then I found this way.
This ContentViewWalker is really new to me. I want to read the whole subitems in the listview.
I can read only the first item of each line at listview..Heres my code:

        For Each item As Process In Process.GetProcessesByName("MyExeName")
            hWindow = GetDlgItem(item.MainWindowHandle, 512)

        Dim el As AutomationElement = AutomationElement.FromHandle(hWindow)

        Dim walker As TreeWalker = TreeWalker.ControlViewWalker
        Dim i As Integer = 0
        Dim child As AutomationElement = walker.GetFirstChild(el)
        While child IsNot Nothing
            ListBox1.Items.Add(String.Format("item {0} is a ""{1}"" with name ""{2}""", System.Math.Max(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(i), i - 1), child.Current.LocalizedControlType, child.Current.Name))
 child = walker.GetNextSibling(child)

        End While

How do i pass over the next subitem ??
Thanks in advance , sarkolata