need full server files

12/15/2011 11:41 lilnani#1
12/15/2011 11:49 superiorflame#2
Won't ever find it, cause no1 is going to copy their database and give to you, need to go do the work yourself. Scripts for pieces and belts are somewhere on this forum if the post hasn't been nulled. Look for Arcadia repack unless that also has been taken down( thts the server files you need). As for the level up helper you need to activate that npc via your NPCResource table in the database then modify the contact script for him to your likings. Cheers ^_^
12/15/2011 11:52 lilnani#3
ok thanks
12/16/2011 19:17 testing12#4
you will not find them. everything was removed because of posts like this. want want, need need, help help