[HowTo]Edit Cool Time For Skill ?!

12/10/2011 12:22 Mafozh#1
Hello Bro ...
How Can i Edit Cool Time For Skill :
Taming - 1second
other skills 10second ,,,
How To Do IT ?
12/10/2011 12:39 Yunchen#2
UPDATE [Arcadia].[dbo].[SkillResource]
SET [delay_cooltime] = 'time here in sec'
WHERE [id] = 'skill id here'

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Example for Creature Taming :

UPDATE [Arcadia].[dbo].[SkillResource]
SET [delay_cooltime] = '1'
WHERE [id] = '4003'
12/11/2011 01:10 HeavenOnlyWishes#3
You know you don't need the brackets.... nor do you need '...' around numbers. And you don't need GO either. An easier much cleaner query would look like this:

UPDATE Arcadia.dbo.SkillResource
SET delay_cooltime = 1
WHERE id = 4003
12/11/2011 02:30 SilentBill#4
Finally that guy got banned, jeez.
Anyway, you should specify that
SET delay_cooltime = 1
will set the CD to 1 second, you can change that to any value, basically, 0 would render it with no CD, theoretically, never tried it.
12/11/2011 03:41 HeavenOnlyWishes#5
Yah well, I'd imagine that null values wouldn't be the best thing to toy with. lol
12/11/2011 04:25 Xijezu#6
SET delay_cooltime = '.00'
SET delay_casttime = '.00'

Thats what I'm using.