Cq_quiz and its prizes.

11/26/2011 05:13 karnyge#1
Yes i looked!

My questions are simple, and i bet so are the answers lol.
I know how to edit the questions and the answers, but what i want to do is change the prizes.
I want to make it so the winner can have .......... well something to encourage playing it more often.
And, if its at all posible, i was wondering if it could be made to run every 12 hours instead of at a set time per day?

No i am not asking for a complete solution to be handed over, just a hint on maybe where to start looking and how i could go about it. I hope that will be enough to get me started....

11/26/2011 06:53 XxFearReaperXx#2
Prize is an item
Item has the action code
find the prize item
look at the action code
and change the item ID in that action code
11/26/2011 06:55 PraDevil[ELITE]#3
firstly you need to modified its question on cq_quiz, second you have to enter the game and answer its quiz to know whats was the prize when you win, once you get your prize i am sure you will know whats the item id you get from it, so just search in cq_action using this query
select*from cq_action where type=501 and data="OldPrizeItemID";

simply to change the reward just use the following query
update cq_action set data="NewPrizeItemID" where type=501 and data="OldPrizeItemID";

XxFearReaperXx you're fast 2 minutes from me -,-
11/26/2011 07:01 XxFearReaperXx#4
lol always Pra lol
11/29/2011 22:58 karnyge#5
Thanks PraDevil.
Didnt do it that way but your answer helped greatly.

Fear, you got thanked for answering the question. Easily understood it too.

Just for others-

I looked thru the action ID numbers after the prize was awarded. Translated the Parameters of each. Replaced them with English. Found the action Id that corresponded to the prize and changed it. So now the winner gets the pouch and 2million pps (emoney).

Ok, slight issue here now.
Not only is the pouch unusable, but the PP's do not get awarded. Gonna need to restore the table and rethink my strategy and solution.