Selling DBs and items on WildSwan.

11/17/2011 03:35 labtest12#1
Selling 62 STGs
18k cp
400mil gold
10 perm stones
2 Super thunder gems
100's of super gems of other types as well.

2 $ = 1 db prices may be negotiable depending on amount bought.

Must be reputable and if not reputable a middle man must be used for transfers.
11/17/2011 03:53 godfathEr08#2
oi! I play on the wildswan server :P I'd like to talk to you!
11/17/2011 06:51 labtest12#3
Originally Posted by godfathEr08 View Post
oi! I play on the wildswan server :P I'd like to talk to you!
oh hi
sent your skype a add request

k i guess your not buying anything -_-
11/19/2011 23:22 labtest12#4
interesting how i had 2 people say they wanted something but then they stop talkign to me afterwords