[Discussion]Let's discuss how to hack Crafting Profession Level here

07/30/2008 09:17 cabalrey#1

I haven't seen anyone posted a hack related to the subject, I've been trying to figure out the possibility of doing it but failed a number of times...

If there's anyone out there who also made an attempt, can you share what you did? (even if you did fail)

Let's try to bring something out of this :)
07/30/2008 10:14 .Kreative#2
well, probably, you would need to search your crafting level and then modify it, BUT it may be a SERVER-SIDE option, so it will be just visual. like your alz ammount.
07/30/2008 10:47 cabalrey#3
Originally Posted by Shrykull View Post
well, probably, you would need to search your crafting level and then modify it, BUT it may be a SERVER-SIDE option, so it will be just visual. like your alz ammount.
It could be a server-sided thingy but i have a strong feeling that we could be able to make it work just like the honor ranking which enables you to wear higher level equipments. Also, crashes and/or useful honor rank hacks that do not work, are usually caused by methods that include Non-PLayer Unit Intervention - i'm referring to NPCs, NPC items, etc.
(note:honor rank requirement for equipments can be hacked and the equipment stats can take effect if done properly)

I'm guessing that it can work as well with crafting since there is no Non-Player Unit intervention because what's involved are the player/character itself plus all the items already owned by that player/character.
07/30/2008 10:50 .Kreative#4
actually, it is a NPC intervention. think of it. For upgrading the HONOR rank, you just need the honor for that rank, for example, 100 for class rank 1.EXAMPLE!< but, for crafting, after you reached 100% you need to go and complete Yertes Quest. you can't do it.
07/30/2008 11:20 cabalrey#5
Originally Posted by Shrykull View Post
actually, it is a NPC intervention. think of it. For upgrading the HONOR rank, you just need the honor for that rank, for example, 100 for class rank 1.EXAMPLE!< but, for crafting, after you reached 100% you need to go and complete Yertes Quest. you can't do it.
i don't think you need to go and complete Yertes' quest in doing this because I think once you found your Crafting Profession Level Address you can literally change it just like honor rank. Changing value of the address from Lv1 to Lv5 will instantly make crafting options for OSMIUMS available without doing Yertes' quest. Just like in honor rank, before doing the hack: there are red items - items that you cannot equip right away, but after doing the hack properly - you can instantly wear them and obtain their stats and effects.
07/30/2008 11:24 .Kreative#6
yes but you cant change your crafting LEVEL, just as you cant change you honor RANK. you change your HONOR, which changes your RANK, but as i said, if you change it to 101% it won't change to next class. you can give it a try tho.
07/30/2008 11:43 cabalrey#7
i did not mean to change it permanently Shrykull, i only want to instantly craft higher level equipments by activating it just like the honor rank hack which is not permanent as well..
07/30/2008 11:50 LORDKILLERZ#8
stop talking alot and try to find out how to make it :P
07/30/2008 12:07 cabalrey#9
Originally Posted by LORDKILLERZ View Post
stop talking alot and try to find out how to make it :P
it's a discusion thread, what do you expect? :rolleyes:
07/30/2008 12:34 .Kreative#10
you sitll dont understand what i mean. Craft exp : 100% -> yerte, next craft lvl. honor-> 100%, upgrade to next lvl automatically. SEE THE DIFFERENCE?! you CAN'T do it, because it involves CREATING something, EXACTLY the same thing as buying with FAKE alz. Server checks ur craft lvl, failed.now stop spammin. you cant.
07/30/2008 12:53 cabalrey#11
Originally Posted by Shrykull View Post
you sitll dont understand what i mean. Craft exp : 100% -> yerte, next craft lvl. honor-> 100%, upgrade to next lvl automatically. SEE THE DIFFERENCE?! you CAN'T do it, because it involves CREATING something, EXACTLY the same thing as buying with FAKE alz. Server checks ur craft lvl, failed.now stop spammin. you cant.
wow, what's up with that attitude? well tell yourself to stop spammin here instead. i know what you mean but you didn't get what i was trying to say. thanks for the effort though in reading and posting the first few replies.
07/30/2008 14:37 magee89#12
Would it not be easier (and actually possible) to make a bot that crafts for you, hell you could do that with a simple macro program. There is no way you can craft say mithril when you can onlu make aramid, there never will be a way unless your a super hacker and can get in to the cabal servers.
07/30/2008 14:51 .Kreative#13
and, what did i say? he just wants to not work at all, someone make a hack for him so he can craft mithril. NO it can not be done. It is server side. happy? now, if any pro has anything to say like, it can be done, i want proof first.
07/30/2008 14:58 cabalrey#14
Originally Posted by magee89 View Post
Would it not be easier (and actually possible) to make a bot that crafts for you, hell you could do that with a simple macro program. There is no way you can craft say mithril when you can onlu make aramid, there never will be a way unless your a super hacker and can get in to the cabal servers.
have you tried crafting superfast with CE speedhack -> no DC :)
07/30/2008 14:58 shemgwapo#15
Originally Posted by Shrykull View Post
and, what did i say? he just wants to not work at all, someone make a hack for him so he can craft mithril. NO it can not be done. It is server side. happy? now, if any pro has anything to say like, it can be done, i want proof first.
doubt that. kinda agreed with everything you said.