2011 Flyhack @ Bypass

11/09/2011 04:23 lickyum#1
pls send me These things RF PH..ill pay the price if it works..Business..
11/12/2011 15:00 2bartz#2
just use ce 6.0 undetected by hackshield up to now then follow some tuts in youtube, works in rf global as well
11/13/2011 02:21 blindas#3
Originally Posted by 2bartz View Post
just use ce 6.0 undetected by hackshield up to now then follow some tuts in youtube, works in rf global as well
send me the link plox :D
11/17/2011 03:22 thams999#4
6.0 undected doesnt work hmmmmm
11/18/2011 14:45 soulhart#5
I dont play RFO anymore but my friends still plays.. and they make a good price for TUTs but I can give hint cause Im an old member of this forum and I owe much in return I would give the clue... Hmmm same old procedure... to do in bypassing.. Just make the NULL message appear.. and if you cant suspend the Hackshield.. FORCE terminate it...!!!!

Good luck guys.. do the discovering things. just don't crash the server like before..

flyhack, blink hack and skill speed cast still available.. its good for PL if its a bigger map we have.. avoid detections and Enjoy.... its a game its not business
12/14/2011 10:35 desiree_ja#6
i think i know that null masage but it nothing do in RF PH still can,t bypass
12/16/2011 16:02 legokidd#7
if anyone can teach me how im going to pay you name your price. just show me face to face how to do it. message me sm north.
07/06/2012 07:30 vergel27#8
nice 1
03/09/2013 22:32 bhart06#9
send me please ... and i how can i access folders of rf when i in comshop it is ristricted ..
03/13/2013 04:50 Hauntmachine#10
Mm think I'll pass on this one