Using CE - How to find a hack ?

07/11/2008 01:49 azerty#1
Hey everyone,

I'm new with CE, I done the tutorial and everything is more clear to me now.

I found by my self the combo hack using the tutorial tips and some posts here.
To be honest i'm proud of me :p

But i asked me a question... what else may i hack ? Hehe

First I thought of hacking mp/hp pots...
Foud their adresse rlly easily : now i have 2 HP pots, i drink one, but i froze the value to 2 then in shortcut bar still 2. I drink the other, still 2 in bar... Try to drink another but *bam* disconnected ^^
I relog, no more pots :D

I thought about hacking money, found the adresse easily, changed the value to 50K, tried to buy a weapon at 10k on a new char (0alz in bank), the name of the item is white i CAN buy it !
I buy... *bam* disconnected hehe.

Well, i asked myself... yeah it's on server side that kind of info... we need to edit the packets...nevermind.

Well now the question ^^
What can we try to hack and that can be usefull CLIENTSIDE as MergeMaps hacks or ComboHack ?? :confused:


Other questions:

For NoDelay hack it didnt worked for me, cant find the adress required... but my question is How can we try to find that kind of hack ? Which values the persons, who wanted to find it, were searching for ?

Same as MergeMaps or AoE Hack, what's the idea to find that kind of difficult hacks ? :)

Thanks in advance for all
07/11/2008 11:03 jpuura#2
Every item on cabal is serverside... So if u wanna edit em u must hacxx into their server.
The only things u can hack with CE is clientside.. Like Inventory Hack, MaP Hack, No Delay, AoE, Combo, Speedhack,
07/11/2008 12:30 kalvin22#3
HI.. i'm playing in cabal ph and i too want to learn the combo hack using ce 5.4 and using the guide in this site but i still dont get it. my problem is i dont understand some of the instructions since it was made for people who have backgrounds in programming.. so can you kindly please make a guide for me on how to do a combo hack in details?? or maybe a video guide? thanks a lot...
07/11/2008 16:44 azerty#4
Thanks Jpuura for your answers ^^

Now the question, if you know...
How can we find those hacks by ourselves?
Combo hack is very easy to find because you search for values (1 when 1 combo, 5when 5combos etc), but AoE, NoDelay, Wall/SpeedHacks... how do you find them?

Ty vm for your answers.
07/11/2008 16:55 mazedestroyer#5
get a life
07/11/2008 21:40 herui8048#6
yah,I wanna know.How can I find the AOE hack,Nodelay hack using CE?Can anyone post a tutariol about these?
07/11/2008 23:55 azerty#7
Finally i found the NoDelay with the help of the tutorials . Now I need NoCooldown...

Going to make a research . ^^
07/12/2008 07:28 herui8048#8
how did u got the no delay hack address?i tried so many time,but failed.
1.the address range is 01D00000 to 01E00000?
2.the value should be 0 first scan?
3.Do a skill on a monster nd change the scan type into Increased Value?
4.repeat skill and scan UNTIL the addresses left like E-41,E-38,E-30?
i do like this,but i cant got the no delay hack address,help me plz.
azerty,r u playing cabal na?
07/13/2008 04:34 xx.kimjohn#9
Could any one share the Addresses in Cheat Engine?

Like the combo's and stuff?
07/13/2008 11:49 azerty#10
herui8048 : scan range adress depends on client, to be more effective try to scan 018xxx to 020xxx, other steps are correct.
Personnaly my value is xxx-E41 each time.

And i'm on PServer .
07/13/2008 14:04 herui8048#11
07/13/2008 14:06 herui8048#12
oh,i just tried to find the aoe hack address,i will post tut here if i got it.
07/13/2008 16:35 vandridel#13
what's up with bam? sounds funny.
08/05/2011 06:18 genesisVI#14
hey can u teach me the AOE hack
08/05/2011 10:02 herre#15
there are guide's you need to look for it.
ps its in this site