WTS high end lvl 30 NA account!

09/15/2011 09:12 Milleeer#1
Hey guys,

As the title says im looking to sell on my North American league of legends account as i dont really have the time to play anymore.

The account has every single champion bar two (Talon and Riven) as i havent played and purchased them these past two or three weeks, however the account has several legendary skins.

My rune purchases are as follows:

9x 0.95 Magic Pen
9x 1.7 Armor Pen
9x 0.93% Crit Chance
9x 1.7% Atack Speed

12x 1.1 Phys Dmg at 18
9x 0.76% Attack Speed
9x 1.2 Mana Regen /5 at 18
9x 0.42% Crit Chance
1x 0.41 Mana Regen/5
9x 1.7 Magic Resist at 18
9x 19 Health at 18
9x 0.75% Dodge

9x 2.7 Magic Resist at 18
9x 0.64% Attack Speed
9x -0.65% Cooldown Reduction
9x 3.1 Ability Power at 18
9x 0.28% Crit Chance
9x 1.5 Magic Resist

3x 3.4% Attack Speed
3x 3.3 Armor Pen
3x 26 Health
3x 1.9% Crit Chance
1x 1.5% Move Speed

I also have the following skins for champs on the account:

Crimson Akali
Stinger Akali
All Star Akali Limited Edition
Golden Bull Alistar
Matador Alistar
Pharaoh Amumu
Vancouver Amumu - Limited Edition
Little Knight Amumu
Goth Annie - Purchase Digital Collector's Edition
Red Riding Annie
Annie in Wonderland
Team Spirit Anivia - Limited Edition
Bird of Prey Anivia
Freljord Bowmaster
Sherwood Ashe
Woad Ashe
Goalkeeper Blitzcrank Limited Edition
Boom Boom Blitzcrank
Piltover Customs Blitzcrank
Vandal Brand
Sheriff Caitlyn
Desperado Cassiopeia
Nightmare Cho'Gath
Gentleman Cho'gath
Ice Toboggan Corki - Limited Edition
Red Baron Corki
Hot Rod Corki
Urf Rider Corki
Toxic Dr. Mundo
Mr. Mundoverse
Corporate Mundo
Nottingham Ezreal
Striker Ezreal Limited Edition
Frosted Ezreal
Shadow Evelynn
Masquerade Evelynns
Spectral (Ghost) Fiddlesticks
Union Jack Fiddlesticks - Limited Edition
Bandito Fiddlesticks
Hextech Galio
Enchanted Galio
Spooky (Ghost) Gangplank
Minuteman Gangplank
Sailor Gangplank
Sanguine Garen
Desert Garen
Commando Garen
Scuba Gragas
Hillbilly Gragas
Gragas, Esq
Alien Invader Heimerdinger
Blast Zone Heimerdinger
Aviator Irelia
Tempest Janna
Commando Jarvan IV
Angler Jax
The Mighty Jax - Limited Edition
Vandal Jax
Phantom Lich
Statue of Karthus
Festival Kassadin - Limited Edition
Deep One Kassadin
Bilgewater Katarina
Mercenary Katarina
Red Card Katarina - Limited Edition
Viridian Kayle
Unmasked Kayle
Karate Kennen
Deadly Kennen
Swamp Master Kennen
Caterpillar Kog'maw
Sonoran Kog'maw
Lion Dance Kog'Maw
Traditional Lee Sin
Sorceress Lux
Marble Malphite
Shamrock Malphite
Coral Reef Malphite
Shadow Prince Malzahar
Vizier Malzahar
Djinn Malzahar
Assassin Master Yi
Chosen Master Yi
Ionia Master Yi
Waterloo Miss Fortune
Cowgirl Miss Fortune
Infernal Mordekaiser
Dragon Knight Mordekaiser
Pentakill Mordekaiser
Exiled Morgana
Sinful Succulence Morgana
Blade Mistress Morgana
Galactic Nasus
Snow Bunny Nidalee - Limited Edition
Leopard Nidalee
French Maid Nidalee
Frozen Terror Nocturne
Void Nocturne
Sasquatch Nunu
Grungy Nunu
Nunu Bot
Forsaken Olaf
Glacial Olaf
Gothic Orianna
Sewn Chaos Orianna
Myrmidon Pantheon
Ruthless Pantheon
Noxus Poppy
Battle Regalia Poppy
Chrome Rammus
Molten Rammus
Galactic Renekton
Rumble In The Jungle
Tribal Ryze
Uncle Ryze
Mad Hatter Shaco
Royal Shaco
Yellow Jacket Shen
Frozen Shen
Blood Moon Shen
HexTech Singed
Riot Squad Singed - Limited Edition
Surfer Singed
HexTech Sion
Warmonger Sion
Warrior Princess Sivir
Spectacular Sivir
Bandit Sivir
Sandscourge Skarner
Earthrune Skarner
Muse Sona
Pentakill Sona
Dryad Soraka
Northern Front Swain
Emerald Gemknight
5th Age Taric
Happy Elf Teemo - Limited Edition
Recon Teemo
Badger Teemo
Astronaught Teemo
Cotton Tail Teemo
Earnest Elf Tristana - Limited Edition
Firefighter Tristana
Guerrilla Tristana
Lil' Slugger Trundle
Junkyard Trundle
Highland Tryndamere
Demonblade Tryndamere
PAX CardMaster - Limited Edition PAX 09!!!
Jack of Hearts
Magnificent Twisted Fate
Kingpin Twitch
Whistler Village Twitch - Limited Edition
Gangster Twitch
Black Belt Udyr
Primal Udyr
Butcher Urgot
Giant Enemy Crabgot
Aristocrat Vayne
White Mage Veigar
Leprachaun Veigar
Marquis Vladimir
Count Vladimir
Urf the Manatee - Limited Edition - 5000 RP
Big Bad Warwick
Tundra Hunter Warwick
Volcanic Wukong
General Wukong
Commando Zhao
Imperial Zhao
Undertaker Yorick
Pentakill Yorick
Old St. Zilean - Limited Edition
Groovy Zilean
Shurima Desert Zilean

This is open to reasonable offers only, will take payment via paypal or possibly other means.
09/15/2011 12:32 KingCum#2
$50 starting offer. w/ a middle man.
09/15/2011 12:56 MiniHammer#3
hahaha $50, you must be mad.
09/15/2011 14:15 Milleeer#4
Yeah sorry King, $50 aint gonna happen for an acc this good, i said reasonable offers!
09/15/2011 17:25 KingCum#5
That's why I said starting offer. And just because you spent alot on this acc doesn't mean you'll get a lot for this.

Give me a price.
09/15/2011 17:33 サソリ#6
If you need a MM to help you with your trade, feel free to pm me
09/15/2011 18:04 plejman#7
1 question, ELO rate?

09/15/2011 20:39 Milleeer#8
not played many so 5v5 1196, top rating was 1295

3v3 1184

i was looking to start at around $100 for the sheer amount on the account, but may consider you offer :)
09/16/2011 09:00 KingCum#9
$75 right now. Add my xfire ibehydra
09/16/2011 16:11 Milleeer#10
Still for sale guys!
09/16/2011 16:14 KingCum#11
$75 still stands, lmk on xfire.
09/16/2011 16:42 allforu#12
$100 bid! paypal?

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09/17/2011 10:50 Milleeer#13
Bump, still for sale
09/17/2011 11:41 allforu#14
im on msn
09/17/2011 20:42 jverendia#15
i can do $75 if interested. sorry if this is a low ball