Login screen links ( where )?

09/05/2011 12:02 XtremeBK#1

I'm editing co login screen and I want to replace the current links with others
I'm using flash decompiler trillix
09/05/2011 12:35 Deсker#2
Try the edits section.
09/05/2011 12:41 UnoAmigos#3
maybe on .ini file or dynamic/static text of that flash ?_?
09/05/2011 13:22 XtremeBK#4
what ini? , and there is no link on "dynamic/static text of that flash" .

got another question , how to remove the images from the red square I made.
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From start.dat right?I can't find the right file
09/05/2011 13:44 Deсker#5
There was a guide released by "moronicidiot", check out his profile.
09/05/2011 19:38 Spirited#6
Try changing the links in Cn_Res.ini and StrRes.ini in the ini folder.
09/06/2011 14:48 XtremeBK#7
damn..there is no link .....
