[Request]Bosses Attack Type

08/29/2011 14:37 F i n c h i#1
Like my thread title says, I request the attack type (action) for the following bosses (if its possible):
P.S: I got the Terato Dragon's attack type, its 3451130116, so I don't need it.

-Snow Banshee = If someone knows it's attack type (action) please post it here.
-Thrilling Spook = Same here.
-Sword Master = Same here.

Thank you!
08/29/2011 15:21 pro4never#2

What do you mean by attack type? I could be wrong but I wasn't aware they had their own attack types.

They have their own skills and then there is an attack type which displays the 'using skillname' text and displays any needed ground effects before the actual spell casts.

Type 52 for the calling out attacks.

I'm just curious what it is you're referring to mostly.
08/29/2011 15:29 F i n c h i#3
Originally Posted by pro4never View Post

What do you mean by attack type? I could be wrong but I wasn't aware they had their own attack types.

They have their own skills and then there is an attack type which displays the 'using skillname' text and displays any needed ground effects before the actual spell casts.

Type 52 for the calling out attacks.

I'm just curious what it is you're referring to mostly.
Well, I meant, I added the monster info of Snow Banshee in monsterinfos in my database, but it's attack its the same as Terato Dragon's attack (the meteor drop, the earthquake etc.)
So I need to know how does they work (the attacks) of those bosses, so I can fix Snow Banshee's attack.

I even tried to change the ID of the monster skill in database, monsterinfos table, magic_type field, didn't worked, actually, every boss monster I create, it's attack its same as Terato Dragon's attack.

Hope you understand me!
08/29/2011 23:29 pro4never#4
Your monster handling must be way off then...

I've never had that issue with my bosses.

if you have them use melee attacks (type 2 normal attacks) they just use their default attack animation (which IS different on bosses). If you send your normal spell usage packet with a skill id it displays the animation for the spell specified (all are located in the magictype). The other type I mentioned just has to do with the 'using spellname' text above their head.
08/30/2011 03:27 F i n c h i#5
Originally Posted by pro4never View Post
Your monster handling must be way off then...

I've never had that issue with my bosses.

if you have them use melee attacks (type 2 normal attacks) they just use their default attack animation (which IS different on bosses). If you send your normal spell usage packet with a skill id it displays the animation for the spell specified (all are located in the magictype). The other type I mentioned just has to do with the 'using spellname' text above their head.
Thank you, I fixed it.
#Request close.