Possibility for a good hack

05/08/2008 12:45 thekoenman#1
05/08/2008 14:22 tonimerlos#2
as well buy items unavailable? explain better.
05/12/2008 16:04 chl2820#3
can u explain abou tthis?

i'v copied paste my former server's item.edt and cashshop.edf..

i can see the prize changed on cash shop, but i cant buy them
they say Credit Related : Price is different

how did u solve this?
05/12/2008 16:17 mark1981#4
Price of Every Item i think are all server sided... :(
05/12/2008 16:27 eric0584#5
Havent tried Tweaking Store.edf yet..
05/12/2008 19:04 teztament#6
tried it my self,,, i even edited everything.. im afraid to tell you that it is server sided,,,,
example if you change the price of the item in the store,, the server will still read it own copy of its store and compare it to your client,,, if it doesnt match u get disconnected or have an error related message... get the picture.. :)
05/15/2008 05:56 yowy777#7
Still, If the server eliminated some items from store use OLD store to buy them Back.