Muddys Mulebot

07/27/2011 11:32 Jaybo1985#1
I was wondering if there was a english version or tutorial for muddys mule bot and muddys d2nt. Thanks ; )
07/27/2011 12:47 TheCrazy11#2
Please post always in the thread of the bot mentioned.

Which bot are you refering to?
Muddy just has only a customized version of D2NT, the muling-function was added by ldevil.
07/27/2011 18:40 Jaybo1985#3
Yes i sappose its the one by Idevil. I see he has a tutorial video, i was wondering if there was anything like that in english.

Or even better, Is there a tutorial on how to setup Muddys d2nt 3.1 with the automule script in it? Right now im running normal d2nt.
07/27/2011 22:11 DeathFromHeaven#4
Muddy's latest version is the Muddy D2NT 1.2

and when there is no english tutorial in the thread by IDevil, i think there is none in here.

Sorry :(