How can I delete quests?

07/22/2011 09:50 Poisongirl#1
I wanna know how to delete quests I open filezilla and i go to
cd /usr/rain/channel/share_data/locale/hongkong/quest
i remove the quest that i want
But what do i have to type exactly in VPC?
I mean if i wish to remove a quest with the name e.g
then what should I type in VPC?

Please reply in eglish...ty.
07/22/2011 09:54 .Awesoome#2
Delted the name from the Quest out of hongkong_list,
then type in VPC:
cd /usr/rain/channel/share_data/locale/hongkong/quest
Kind Regards,
07/22/2011 10:08 Poisongirl#3
Thank you, It worked ^^
07/22/2011 10:12 .Awesoome#4
Np :D
07/22/2011 11:01 Crank#5
