Creature Buffs

07/20/2011 14:07 Ranma014#1
I got a qustion for all you devs out there, you might be able to help.
I use the onlogin.lua to give the players and the summoned creature buffs when they login. The problem here is dual summoning. Those pets wont have any buffs, which makes them obsolete, since they are doing way less damage than those buffed pets. I kept the buffs low (35% attack), but the difference is still there. A very good implementation would be an onsummon-script, which buffs pets right when they are called.
Or maybe there is another work around for that. I thought maybe I should just raise the dual summon time, but it might make them OP. Right now my pet classes are way underpowered, since the second pet is unbuffed.
Another idea would be to make an item, which gives all those buffs on use and is only used by pets, like the pet reskill potion. Problem is I got no idea, how to do that. I didnt even find the "return scroll" effect, so I could lower the cooldown :(

thanks for your time,
07/20/2011 14:12 KeithUrban#2
even unlimited duel summon wouldnt op a breeder for example as they still stack holds/stuns id just give them perm duel summon
07/20/2011 14:56 Ranma014#3
Yeah did that now, was the fastest way, although the idea of having imba buff food is kinda nice, maybe Ill look into that later, seems a bit more difficult, since raising the effect of the lak necklace didnt raise the storage capacity. for those that wish to extend the dual summon time of the SB, use this command. 180 means, 3 minutes/skill level:

UPDATE [Arcadia].[dbo].[SkillResource]
SET var1 = 180
WHERE (id = 1881)
07/20/2011 15:00 KeithUrban#4
nice, yeah perm duel summon in 7.3 will be epic lol i wish someone would hack 7.3 kts :P and release the files
07/28/2011 13:00 Crestyx#5
Originally Posted by Ranma014 View Post
Yeah did that now, was the fastest way, although the idea of having imba buff food is kinda nice, maybe Ill look into that later, seems a bit more difficult, since raising the effect of the lak necklace didnt raise the storage capacity. for those that wish to extend the dual summon time of the SB, use this command. 180 means, 3 minutes/skill level:

UPDATE [Arcadia].[dbo].[SkillResource]
SET var1 = 180
WHERE (id = 1881)
if i put not 180 but 0 it means that will be permanently dual pet?

my english sucks
07/28/2011 18:31 evonvenom#6
Too much pet buffs can give server crashed! try not to give much.
or fix it buy 20%+