Galaxy Gate...

07/14/2011 18:49 Arby#1
Ok, what configs should i have for Valhalla? Galaxy gateing.

Is there any other free bots which can gg? Which are free? As im on a notebook and well its not wise for me to do it properly.
07/14/2011 18:57 xulaxos#2
if you want a good one, start test license for kbot, then do your gates..

or better buy the kbot bot ;)

but i think valhalla is the best free gg bot...


speed confi
in ship all speed gens
in drones all lf3 and 2 best shields.

shield confi
in ship like 3 or 4 speed gens and the rest shield gens. (speed gens may be needed, so the ship isn't too slow and starts getting damaged because he can't fly away)
in drones all lf3
07/14/2011 19:11 stainersxm#3
never thought about the first one i always have 5 shields but i buy the shield booster+sep
07/14/2011 19:11 KingBlacky#4
Thats my Config

1. -> 5 Shield gen, 10 Speed gen. Drones full with LF3 for maximum attack Works great, even Protegit is slower than me, so if there is a lag, i have some shield.

2. -> 15 Speed gen, Drones full with Shield, if u need to rep, u can fly accross the map with fullspeed and repair your ship.

MfG Blacky
07/14/2011 19:15 stainersxm#5
Blacky what does mfg stand for?
07/14/2011 19:17 KingBlacky#6
Mit freundlichen Grüßen;

With best regards
07/14/2011 19:21 stainersxm#7
kk so its german