Dashing problem

07/12/2011 20:41 minikox#1
hello i have problem with DASHING skill. it is dashin my only in one side not in front of my character but it dashes back behind my character it is very rough cause my movement is so slow, please tell me how can i fix that
07/12/2011 21:38 Bla.de#2
esc --> options --> dash/fade to curser?
07/12/2011 21:52 minikox#3
thx man u are great. do u know mb why CR doesnt stack items like strange steam after picking it up from the ground
07/12/2011 23:43 Bla.de#4
i think its bugged in the current version,
thats what was mentioned in the log of bugs which need to get fixxed i think
07/12/2011 23:50 k9crow203310#5
CR team is still adjusting to the new version of cabal
07/13/2011 20:52 minikox#6
ok got one more question, cant find strange stem in autoloot, i want to set it to ignore it but there is no such item with word 'strange' or "stem". did u find it maybe