S>Grand Fantasia EN accnt

06/24/2011 05:29 jomi008#1
Templar(70) with +9 pvp set and legacy with yellow and MasterS
Wizard(60) with yellows

Gaia Server
Warlord(80) with +15 gears with all yellows need Max Masters
Ranger(50) with +15 bow(50),+9 legacy and with masters needed

all in the same accnt^

2nd accnt

Gaia server
Darkstalker(70) with 65 pvp set +9 with 70 sword +15 and bodors,complete masters 45 and 60 with 280 masters for 75

3rd accnt
Gaia Server
Demonologist(70) with +15 pvp set and yellow MAx Masters up to 75

pm me here if interested..