wtf? Another "bannasplit"

03/31/2008 02:21 kieran828#1
I have noticed that about 25% of people randomly whisper me with

"ÆÊØ" or someother random letters. Is this another "bannasplit"?
-.- i think it was bannasplit anyways-was banna summat
03/31/2008 02:40 bigasstrojan#2
haha mayb theve confused epvpers with a cookery forum xD
03/31/2008 02:45 kieran828#3
:D lol, ages ago if someone was using a proxy and you whispered them with "bannasplit" there gear would drop off, or something like that. People would always whs me with Bannasplit
03/31/2008 02:50 bigasstrojan#4
lol cool

although a proxy that does that is a bit mean rofl i dont mind them aslong as they dont have an aimbot
03/31/2008 02:56 kieran828#5
:p yup aimbot ruins the game, although, if people are running around with another bannasplit then that means there is a working proxy for conquer!
03/31/2008 03:00 bigasstrojan#6
send me it then rofl

but tbh if there is a working proxy its probably only available to a select few on this forum bcuz there all afraid that tq will catch on again and change the encryption again
03/31/2008 03:03 kieran828#7
yh tht sux :(
03/31/2008 03:04 UPSman2#8
so the "select few" would just randomly whisper the other "select few" in hopes of getting there equipment
I'm beginning to doubt your logic, lol
03/31/2008 03:07 kieran828#9
You may have a piont, but he did say on THIS forum, other forums may have released it
03/31/2008 03:18 bigasstrojan#10
who was talking about proxies that steal peoples equipment exactly hmm? surely a proxy like that would be released to everyone for maximum effect and not to only certain people u seem to have lost my point entirely ups lol
03/31/2008 03:21 kieran828#11
:p this is fun, its like me and biggasstrojan vs UPS in the topics :D
Our team wins a point becuase we have one
03/31/2008 03:23 bigasstrojan#12
lolz xD ur lucky im even up its 2:21 am here lol
03/31/2008 03:26 kieran828#13
Originally Posted by bigasstrojan View Post
lolz xD ur lucky im even up its 2:21 am here lol
Yup same, where abouts in UK u live?
03/31/2008 03:35 UPSman2#14
your like conspiracies theorists who think that we didn't land on the moon or that unicorns exist, get over it there isn't any proxies out atm, especially not a "banana split" one
03/31/2008 03:35 bigasstrojan#15
liverpool xD the derby was on tday xD