Herc range edit

03/23/2008 22:33 TT_TT#1
Does it still exist?

Anyone know how to do it now :S?
03/24/2008 02:00 XxDarkKillaxX#2
what u mean? herc range edit?
03/24/2008 04:27 cjainy#3
the hack that let herc reach further is what he is asking for
03/24/2008 05:14 TT_TT#4
Yeah I thought it got patched for good but today someone was using it and it was really helpful in past.



H is where you herc from, normally you'd only be able to kill RK, but with that hack/edit you kill both due to the long ass range.
03/24/2008 14:07 Korvacs#5
nope was patched like over a year ago
03/24/2008 15:30 dabomb98#6
damn that hack would own lol
03/24/2008 20:59 devilsmum#7
if they use a proxy it gives the impression that they are far away when they herc but that are next to you. Proxy fuckes up the cords. But proxys dnt work anymore. i doubt they will for at least a month