Favourite build

05/30/2011 00:15 Crash89#1
Alright guys.. i wanna know your favourite builds..
I 'll start off ...I'm really into the oldschool SRO builds --> chinese chars ...pure strength builds:

- pure strength glavie
- pure strength bow
05/30/2011 00:19 WorldDj#2
Special interest:Hybrid Chinese 7:1 spear man....

I owned: a lv 88 one, lv 95 one lv 97 one... with different hybridism ratios.

General interest: any Int character except the Int bowman. Because I believe it was made to be Str.

Who said the old school SRO build was only pure STR there were a 1:2 hybrid which pretty much failed and a S/S Nuker which pretty much was owning as well...after the Snow shield, they went to be the best for a while, then at lv 90 the 7:1 and 9:1 Hybrids started to own. Along with warriors of lv 80.
05/30/2011 00:30 Delirium12#3
I still love my 65:75 spear build, but I played it so many times on so many different occasions that I wouldn't make it as my first char...
Warrior/Cleric is fun, and I own w/ it so... xD
05/30/2011 00:41 adrian199222#4
CHN are noobs build,EU ftw,specially warrior/cleric or warrior/rogue he pwn all chn builds so stay down
05/30/2011 01:09 WorldDj#5
Originally Posted by adrian1992222222222222222 View Post
CHN are noobs build,EU ftw,specially warrior/cleric or warrior/rogue he pwn all chn builds so stay down
I used to own warriors like a mother fudger.
05/30/2011 01:33 Delirium12#6
Originally Posted by WorldDj View Post
I used to own warriors like a mother fudger.
Yea he obviously played pservers his whole life, never had an euro char till esro came out xD
Euro chars aren't some freakin gods or somethin, chinese chars pose a challenge any day when it comes to 1v1 pvp if they're good...

EDIT: Watchin some vids of 80 cap warriors, its pretty funny, most of them use just 2h and spam iron skin and bless spell :P
05/30/2011 06:55 jackeagle#7
Full STR
it owns!!!!!
05/30/2011 07:01 JuanProx#8
Warrior / Warlock FTW :)
05/30/2011 07:39 rock98#9
Warlock/Cleric and Dual China ^_^
05/30/2011 11:53 WorldDj#10
Originally Posted by JuanProx View Post
Warrior / Warlock FTW :)
Clerks can bring this build to earth.
05/30/2011 12:06 860021200#11
Originally Posted by WorldDj View Post
Clerks can bring this build to earth.
6 feet underground?
05/30/2011 12:58 Canova*#12
warlock - cleric is the best build i think :)
05/30/2011 13:28 Visvax#13
Favorite build s/s :)
Best build for pvp i think is warrior/rogue in skilled hands :)
05/30/2011 13:45 [B]ase[J]umP#14
warrior/bard for me.
05/30/2011 15:34 Crash89#15
So if I make a european char ..which build who you guys prefer?