would like to share with you

03/14/2011 07:05 jessicalsf#1
i am very happy to join this big family, i have learn a lot from here, and today i 'd like to share something with you also-the best way to connect my gamecube to my pc monitor.
The resolution of old composite cables is 480p and both vga and dvi easily output that resolution so I suppose it doesnt really matter which you get but I would go for dvi as then if you ever get a new monitor they will always a dvi connection. Most modern gaming consoles even computers can use HDMI however they usually dont actually come with a cord but if you dont let best but rip you off and sel you an 80 dollar monster cable you can find something that will work just as good for 2 dollars online but yea otherwise the only thing that would come with an hdmi cord would be a graphics card.