[WTS] League account all champs lots of skins

03/11/2011 05:47 ronakk#1
Hello my name is Ronakk i am decently known in league of legends also an admin on a fanbase site called Leaguecraft. I have been playing league less and less now and finally think its time to stop. So i am here to sell my account to the highest offer. My Account is level 30 i own every single champion and alot of skins. I will post some screenshots and name the skins i have for you.
You can reach me on xfire= Upgradde or Msn= [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...] . I will turn down offers i think are to low. If you need anymore information on what i have just let me know. USA account
would like the payment with paypal
This is best offer
I have every champion besides the new guy
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I Own six rune pages and alot of runes i will post screen shot if you need one
Rating is in 1500 across the board
in ranked i have 176 wins and 139 losses in normal i have 821 wins and 674 losses
This is the list of skins i have

Akali -All star
Alistar- Matador
Amumu- Re-gifted and pharaoh
Anivia- Noxus hunter and Bird of prey
Annie- Red Riding
Ashe- Freljord, Sheerwood, and woad.
Blitz- Goalkeeper Blitz
Caitlyn- None
Cassiopeia- None
Cho'Gath- Nightmare and Gentleman.
Corki- Red baron
Dr.mundo- Mr.mundoverse, Corporate Mundo
Eve- Masquerade
Ezreal- frosted and Striker
Fiddlesticks- Spectral
Galio- None
Gangplank- Minuteman
Garen- Dreadknight
Gragas- Scuba
Heimerdinger- Alien invader
Irelia- None
Janna- Tempest
Karma- None
karthus- Phantom,Statue of karthus,Grim reaper.
kassadin-Deep one
katarina-Red card and mercenary
Kayle- Unmasked and Viridian
Kennen- Karate, swamp master and deadly
Kog maw- Monarch, caterpillar and sonoran
Malphite- Shamrock and Coral reef
Malzahar- Vizier and shadow prince
Maolai- None
master yi- Chosen
Miss fortune- None
Mordekaiser- Dragon Knight and infernal
Morgana- Exiled
Nasus- Galactic and Pharaoh
Nidalee- French maid and Pharaoh
Nunu- Sasquatch
Olaf- Glacial and Brolaf
Pantheon- mymidon
Poppy- Noxus
Rammus- Chrome
Renekton- None
Ryze- Uncle
Shaco- Mad hatter
Shen- Yellow jacket
Singed- Riot squad singed *RARE*
Sion- Hextech
Sivir- Spectacular
Sona- SIlent night
Soraka- Dryad
Taric- Emerald
Teemo- Recon. Badger, and astronaut
Tristana- Riot girl and Firefighter
Tryndamere- Highland
Twisted fate- None
Twitch- Gangster
Udyr- Black belt and Primal
Urgot- None
Veigar- White mage
Vladimir- None
Warwick- Feral, Big bad warwick
Xin zhao- Commando and imperial
Zilean- Groovy

wow that took a while
03/11/2011 06:46 battlebrother#2
wow so impressed umm i dont no even where to aim with my offer tho.
03/11/2011 06:54 ronakk#3
I am not looking for a lot the account is worth around 600$ Just in skins and rune pages Etc. I don't want anything close to that price so dont worry just shot a number and i will let you know if its to high or to low.
03/12/2011 23:57 bomando#4
30€ psc

Edit: Btw. if Riot know u want sell they can perma Bann ur account, so pls dont write ur acount name down.

*screenshot* <_<
03/13/2011 00:08 ronakk#5
Oh BUt i don't have the name of the account on here i was referring to my name on Leaguecraft lmao and I don't use paysafecards and 41 Usd is kinda low for this account it has over 500$ in riot points put into it. I am not asking for anything close what its worth.
03/13/2011 01:58 ronakk#6
Bump! only 120$ and the account is yours its worth over 500$