2.4 Sunwell Cove

12/20/2007 20:34 Kinu#16
Sunwell and 2.4 Details.
Source - acaciaizm.com

Sunwell Isle

* Sunwell Isle will be located off the coast, north of Silvermoon, and will be patched in with patch 2.4
* Sunwell Isle will be a major questing hub with a 5-man Normal and Heroic Instance (Magister's Terrace) and a 25-man raid (Sunwell Plateau). The goal with Sunwell Isle is to close the Burning Crusade storyline before the release of the next expansion.
* There are still a few scenarios left that could be released to provide the players with more content if WotLK gets delayed for any reason.
* At the release of the patch, players will access a small expedition camp where they can start questing. However as the questing progresses, players will expand the camp and make it grow to a small town by retaking building to the enemies (running daily quests mostly). You can consider it as a AQ Gates opening event, the more daily quests that gets done, the faster the whole server will progress.
* The quests will end the Tempest Keep story arc.
* "The Shattered Sun Offensive" will be the new faction of this quest hub. It also seems that Aldor and Scryers will finally start fighting together against the new threat.
* Both 5-man and 25-man dungeons will be accessible from the start, but some bosses will have to be unlocked by running the daily quests (server-wide) and/or leveling your reputation. The 5-man instance will most likely requires Honored reputation with The Shattered Sun Offensive, the first three bosses of the 25-man instance will be accessible from the start, while the three last ones will have to be unlocked through questing.

Sunwell Plateau

* Kael'thas will be one of the boss of the 5-man dungeon, he's still alive and he's now got a huge green crystal etched to his chest.
* Kil'jaeden will be the final boss of the 25-man instance. The other bosses include Brutalicus, a giant Pit Lord who has lost his wings, Kalecgos, a blue dragon enslaved by Kil'jaeden, a Fel Dragon, the female Eredar Twins, and a Dark Naaru.
* The 25-man instance will be slightly harder than Black Temple, and is tuned for Tier 6 geared players.
* There will not be any "real" Tier 7 set, but some of the drops will be set pieces (not necessarily class specific). The drops quality will be above T6.

Daily quests

* Patch 2.4 will raise the cap of Daily quests allowed in a day from 10 to 25.


* Balancing actions will be taken in regard to PvP for certain classes.
* Blizzard have large plans for, and they will be aiming to bring it closer to e-sport acceptance.
12/20/2007 21:40 Nosferatu|Alucard#17
Ja genau..Kael'Thas inner 5er ini.. *grins*

Das mit dem Ruf Farmen durch Dailys damits aufgeht ist ganz ok..Aber kann ich mir genausowenig vorstellen :P.
12/20/2007 21:42 fripon#18
Ja genau..Kael'Thas inner 5 ini.. *grins*
Damit willst du bestimmt sagen das es fake ist^^
Ist es aber denke ich nicht^^

steht so auch auf mmo-champion.com.....und die Seite ist aufjedenfall einer der besten seiten wenn es um Patchnotes etc. geht xD
12/20/2007 21:48 Nosferatu|Alucard#19
Ich dachte zuerst das wär nen Fake,aber angeblich hat Jeff Kaplan das gesagt..Naja,find ich ziemlich kacka :S
12/21/2007 19:48 zerofox#20
12/21/2007 20:59 s0cKe#21
Das mit dem Camp hört sich gut an :D mal gucken wie's wird ^^
12/21/2007 21:09 Badd Madd#22
hoffentlich wird die ini schwerer als bt/hyjal
12/21/2007 22:48 s0cKe#23
Originally Posted by Badd Madd View Post
hoffentlich wird die ini schwerer als bt/hyjal
Ja soll leicht schwerer als BT sein ;)
12/23/2007 02:17 InTeNsO#24
hoffentlich viel schwerer als freeloot inis bt/hyjal wo man bisschen länger dran sitz an einem encouter als paar std
12/23/2007 11:05 Kinu#25
wird so sein wie immer am anfang totschwer und mit jedem patch kaputtnerfn ;)
12/23/2007 13:53 Screeny#26
Denke mal das Nihilum die nach 2-3 Wochen clear hat und Buffed dann wieder nen schönen Beitrag über die schreibt weil sie ja soooo toll sind jeden Tag 5-7 Stunden zu sein und Bosse zu tryn
12/24/2007 14:11 Nosferatu|Alucard#27
Naja,wird ja auch mit dem Ruf Benötigen kack hinausgezögert das man es so schnell schafft :s