[EMU]Get Other Class SKILLS!

11/06/2007 23:02 TheX#1
With this you can learn heal as a rogue or any other skill from any class with any class!

Ok, so i was browseing some other sites and i came upon this little trick with Wpe Pro and i thought it was pretty usefull ( you know, a healing rogue or a moonfire spamming mage) anyway the person that made the post didnt seem like he knew English too well so i decided to explain it a bit better.

*NOTE* This is a guide for people that have had SOME experiance with Wpe and know how to work it.

1.) Open Wpe Pro and use permedit to give it Permissions and then target your WoW.exe Process ( if you do not know how to do this by now then stop reading)

2.) K, what i do is i go to my Internet Browser and i start up a site where i will find all my ID's for skills and trainers, in this case i will be using [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...] (I prefer it to Thott bot) have it open and ready and go search for your skills that you want to change.

3.) Whip out Microsoft Calculator so you can convert the ID's into Hex

4.) Now that you have all of the tools for this you can go into your game and go the trainer you will be using for this. Write down their name and go to [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...] and search for it you should then convert the ID it gives you to Hex using the calculator, now that you have the Hex ID of the trainer you can put that into the 07 and 08 slots.

5.) Now go back to Wowhead and search for the ID of the trainer that actually teaches that skill ( for example you go to a rogue trainer and get their ID and you want to learn something from the Preist trainer you should get the ID of the preist trainer) once you have the ID of the trainer that teaches the skill put it into the Modify 07 and 08.

PIC: This is what Steps 4 and 5 Should look like when its done.
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6.) Now that you have the trainer part set up you should go get the ID of the skill you will be using ( again for example you take the rogue skill Sinister Strike, go to Wowhead and get the ID of Sinister Strike *Rank 1* <----- VERY IMPORTANT you must start at rank 1 and work up just how a preist would do it) Once you have the ID of the skill you are gonna trade put it into the 15 and 16 Column.

7.) Now go back to Wowhead and get the ID of the Skill you want to learn ( For example you will be learning Greater Heal *Rank 1* so get the ID for Rank 1 Greater Heal) now that you have the ID put it into the Modify row for 15 and 16.

Pic: This is what steps 6 and 7 Should look like when your done ( This includes Steps 4 and 5) so this would be the final product.
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8.) Now that you have your filter set up Enable the filter and go into your game and Buy Sinister Strike ( Using Sinister Strike as an EXAMPLE can be any skill that you have set up for this filter to work for * I REPEAT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE SINISTER STRIKE*) and you should learn Greater Heal Rank 1 which is what you put in the modify portion of the filter.

9.) Wash, Rinse, and Repeat for the rest of the ranks of the skill you want to learn in order to get the higher ranks.

*Few notes* From what i understand this does not work for ( Revisions i think) 2000+ or Ascent ( not sure you guys can test that) Does NOT work for Bosses skills or GM skills, The Trainers you are using HAVE to be on the same map.

Here is a Screen Shot that the guy posted: [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]

P.S I have actually not tested this yet becuase i am very busy right now and have not had time to play wow or anything. Today was a pretty busy day i just came back from taking my Road Test and i passed so now i can get my License on Monday. So you guys test it out and tell me if it works or not, Also comment on the Guide and tell me on what i should improve on.


Deutsche Guide kommt noch

The Attachement is a completly List of all Spell Id´s, every two times, one id for TRAIN This is the ID u need for learning other skills and the other ID is just from the spell if u cast it.
This List is written by myself, so Credits to me ^^
11/07/2007 01:36 outlawz-gosu#2
you copied this off **************
11/07/2007 01:50 dRon#3
outlawz-gosu shut up .... every exploit site copy from other sites ...

this is the world wide web, not a book
11/07/2007 02:09 outlawz-gosu#4
Then why is there no credit to the orginal author?

or at least something that sais "Someone else came up with this"
11/07/2007 02:41 Brute69#5
Tested and doesn't work on Ascent r1791(2.2.3).
11/07/2007 10:21 TheX#6
I do not write any credits to any person because nobody know this person who write this, the writer of the thread where i copyed this dont know the person too and also i deletet this. But okay baqq to topic

This works on most Ancent Versions, but you MUST have the *train* Id of the skill u want to learn. You do not get this from wowhead.com only from thottbot but its hard to find. I will release my own complete list of Skills from every class, every weapons skill and many more ever with "TRAIN" and "LEARN" Ids that means TRAIN for the skill which teach the trainers you and LEARN for the realy spell id.. but with this Trick you do not need LEARN Ids.

The Turtorial i copyed is not very good, im making a new one in one day or something.
11/07/2007 14:13 Brombärkuchen#7
warte schon gespannt aufm deutschen guide ;)
11/07/2007 16:58 misha70#8
hatte den guide schon auf death.. ausprobiert aber funzte ja nid weil mein dudu schon alles gelernt hatte ^^
jetzt wollt ich das bei nem krieger testen, aber vemutlich gehen da spells die mana/energie brauchen nicht, oder ?
11/07/2007 18:53 Brombärkuchen#9
hoffe guide kommt noch heute bin gespannt drauf :]
11/08/2007 19:02 TheX#10
Nun also ich habs jetzt auf mehreren Servern und verschiedenen Antrix, Ancent, Mangos Servern ausprobiert und et will einfach nich klappen auch mit meiner liste nicht.

Ich lade die liste aber trotzdem mal hoch eigenen Thread machen lohnt dafür nich. Is aber Sehr ausführlich.

Deutsche Guide mach ich wenn ich mal mehr zeit hab momentan hab ich nur zeit für kurze Antworten und muss dann wieder lernen für Arbeiten usw momentan recht stressig. vll habich inner ausbildung morgen mal zeit
11/10/2007 10:53 ProkZie#11
RooooFL WpePro geht seid 2. gar nicht mehr
11/10/2007 21:47 misha70#12
und wie geht dann talenthack du trottel *g*
11/11/2007 02:55 dRon#13
hmmm beleidigung eines users, muss ich dir aufn kopf hauen???

übrigends, auf 1 von 4 servern ging es bei mir leider weiss ich net die emu cores sonst könnte ich daraus was folgern ^^
11/21/2007 07:47 digitalpooo#14
nut workin for me :(
11/25/2007 23:26 DarkReaver#15
Originally Posted by TheX View Post
Nun also ich habs jetzt auf mehreren Servern und verschiedenen Antrix, Ancent, Mangos Servern ausprobiert und et will einfach nich klappen auch mit meiner liste nicht.

Ich lade die liste aber trotzdem mal hoch eigenen Thread machen lohnt dafür nich. Is aber Sehr ausführlich.

Deutsche Guide mach ich wenn ich mal mehr zeit hab momentan hab ich nur zeit für kurze Antworten und muss dann wieder lernen für Arbeiten usw momentan recht stressig. vll habich inner ausbildung morgen mal zeit
nen guide auf deutsch wäre nicht schlecht da ich das meiste mit meinem krüppel english hinbekomm aber mich immer tage ab quelen muss bis ich was raff oder hin bekomm und das talent edit oder die onhit kill geschiten werden so wie ich es leider feststellen musste geblockt oder ich bin zu dumm um das hinzubekommen aber vieleicht mach ich ja nur was falsch weil ich den englisch kram nicht ganz raff....... freu mich schon au deinen deutschen guide