[Tool]AgBot Town Script Maker

06/20/2008 00:24 maxmenn#121
HI. Because noone replied I try to get an answer again.

I've got two questions.

Here's my first question:

How does it work that the bot teleports.I think i've made everything right. I let the ScriptMaker make a "Town-Scripot" first. Then i want to teleport from Hotan to Samarkand. (I need the x-large potions that's why I want to start the script in Hotan.)
I go to WalkbackSetting and take the "TeleFrom-to-option". I choose to tele from Hotan to Samarkand. Arriving in Samarkand I make a script (F9) until my lvl-spot...
Then if I start the Walkscript everything works fine until I want to teleport. Teleport doesn't work. My char just run out of west gate hotan and don't stop running till an obstacle is in the way. Are there any special Buttons or Options I have to klick on?

Now here is my second question:
If I've arrived at my lvl-spot what to do then.
What to type in for:
[clear hunting]
[stop walking]
[add hunting]
[start bot]
pls say exactly what to type in.(with cmd and all the " and . )

if u need a screen of the walkscript I make/made for helping pls say.
thx :)
btw it would be nice if there would be something like a FAQ/guide that exactly explains how to make a script with ScriptMaker. Because the pics don't explain the whole thing.

06/20/2008 01:22 grimreaper001#122
yes the same hpend here. i just got warned and no answers.

how does the teleort from fery to fery work?!
06/20/2008 04:54 The Warlock#123
is this a trustworthy download?
06/20/2008 05:48 steam#124
Originally Posted by maxmenn View Post
HI. Because noone replied I try to get an answer again.

I've got two questions.

Here's my first question:

How does it work that the bot teleports.I think i've made everything right. I let the ScriptMaker make a "Town-Scripot" first. Then i want to teleport from Hotan to Samarkand. (I need the x-large potions that's why I want to start the script in Hotan.)
I go to WalkbackSetting and take the "TeleFrom-to-option". I choose to tele from Hotan to Samarkand. Arriving in Samarkand I make a script (F9) until my lvl-spot...
Then if I start the Walkscript everything works fine until I want to teleport. Teleport doesn't work. My char just run out of west gate hotan and don't stop running till an obstacle is in the way. Are there any special Buttons or Options I have to klick on?

Now here is my second question:
If I've arrived at my lvl-spot what to do then.
What to type in for:
[clear hunting]
[stop walking]
[add hunting]
[start bot]
pls say exactly what to type in.(with cmd and all the " and . )

if u need a screen of the walkscript I make/made for helping pls say.
thx :)
btw it would be nice if there would be something like a FAQ/guide that exactly explains how to make a script with ScriptMaker. Because the pics don't explain the whole thing.


What u do is if you know ur coordinates, at the end of the script (walking) type this
"cmd","[clear hunting]",""
"cmd","[add hunting]","Coordinates"
"cmd","[stop walking]",""
"cmd","[Start Bot]","

were in red type the cordinates that u wanna train at followed by the range
"cmd","[clear hunting]",""
"cmd","[add hunting]","-570;1518;100"
"cmd","[stop walking]",""
"cmd","[Start Bot]","

there in red u have the coordinates folowed by the range of attack..
By the way, im suprised ur having prblms with this it should do it by ur self .... but try this its garanteed to work ^^

PS: dont use the coordinates i put there... those are made up O.o ...:D
Good Luck
+thanks if i helpes :D:p
06/20/2008 06:19 lagard2#125
Ok Nice tool works quite nicely untill i try to use the script it makes... it doesnt work... i get this "Please click SCRIPT on the top right and read some tutorial on how to make a script" and it wont work. what do i do?

Edit: i placed the script in the script folder in my profile so dont say you need to put it there bc i did >.<

i have also noticed that when u look at the script the syntax is diffrent when u look at it through agbot... dunno if this is a prob but...
06/20/2008 06:25 cypersan#126

I want inject the code for level 60 and level 70 Noise skill. Do you know it ?
06/20/2008 07:04 lagard2#127
ok so i tried somthing new, i added the Stop walking cleer hunting add hunting ETC but i still get the

"you need to set up the walk script Click the script button on the TOP RIGHT and read some guide" message... what am i doing wrong...

This is the script that was generated (i deleted the lines beggining with "//" and i added the walk path at the end
"cmd","[protect off]",""
"cmd","[stop bot]",""
"cmd","[clear hunting]",""
"cmd","[start autoparty]",""
"cmd","[start autopotion]",""
"cmd","[stop walking]",""
"store open","0101000000","D8010000|Storage-Keeper Auisan"
"store storage","Storage-Keeper Auisan","D8010000"
"store close","Storage-Keeper Auisan","D8010000"
"cmd","[stop walking]",""
"store open","0101000000","0A000000|Blacksmith Soboi"
"store sell","Blacksmith Soboi","0A000000"
"store repair","Blacksmith Soboi","0A000000"
"store close","Blacksmith Soboi","0A000000"
"cmd","[stop walking]",""
"store open","0101000000","5D000000|Potion Merchant Manina"
"store buy","01080001010D0100|07000000|HP recovery potion (Large)","50|400"
"store buy","01080004010D0100|0E000000|MP recovery potion (Large)","50|800"
"store close","Potion Merchant Manina","5D000000"
"cmd","[stop walking]",""
"store open","0101000000","E9010000|Stable-Keeper Salihap"
"store buy","01080306010D0100|15240000|Recovery kit (X-Large)","50|100"
"store buy","01080002010D0100|5B080000|Dragon Horse","1|1"
"store close","Stable-Keeper Salihap","E9010000"
"cmd","[stop walking]",""
"store open","0101000000","07020000|Jewel Lapidary Mamoje"
"store close","Jewel Lapidary Mamoje","07020000"
"cmd","[cast horse]",""
"cmd","[clear hunting]",""
"cmd","[add hunting]","-723;113;100"
"cmd","[stop walking]",""
"cmd","[Start Bot]",""
any ideas as to why its not working?

i renamed level 49.lst to defult.lst just in case that could make it work gunna try it now...

nope still get the same message... im out of ideas... any help?
06/20/2008 11:10 -+VaGaBoNd+-#128
Nice Tool... although i am having same problem as many with the bot wandering around and bumping into things.. in process of changing agbot back to 5V5 and will test then.
Was wondering if there way any way and or commands to have it go thru the inventory on pet ?

Also wondering on command to take a set amount of cash from storage and or
deposit coins in Storage..

Thank you
06/20/2008 11:25 grimreaper001#129
i thaught that only teleport doesnt work. but i descovered that all injects doesn't
like tele grass walk flow.
any help?!
06/20/2008 16:03 Bl4ckOut#130
can someone reupload the files?
06/20/2008 18:02 grimreaper001#131
Originally Posted by lagard2 View Post
ok so i tried somthing new, i added the Stop walking cleer hunting add hunting ETC but i still get the

"you need to set up the walk script Click the script button on the TOP RIGHT and read some guide" message... what am i doing wrong...

This is the script that was generated (i deleted the lines beggining with "//" and i added the walk path at the end
"cmd","[protect off]",""
"cmd","[stop bot]",""
"cmd","[clear hunting]",""
"cmd","[start autoparty]",""
"cmd","[start autopotion]",""
"cmd","[stop walking]",""
"store open","0101000000","D8010000|Storage-Keeper Auisan"
"store storage","Storage-Keeper Auisan","D8010000"
"store close","Storage-Keeper Auisan","D8010000"
"cmd","[stop walking]",""
"store open","0101000000","0A000000|Blacksmith Soboi"
"store sell","Blacksmith Soboi","0A000000"
"store repair","Blacksmith Soboi","0A000000"
"store close","Blacksmith Soboi","0A000000"
"cmd","[stop walking]",""
"store open","0101000000","5D000000|Potion Merchant Manina"
"store buy","01080001010D0100|07000000|HP recovery potion (Large)","50|400"
"store buy","01080004010D0100|0E000000|MP recovery potion (Large)","50|800"
"store close","Potion Merchant Manina","5D000000"
"cmd","[stop walking]",""
"store open","0101000000","E9010000|Stable-Keeper Salihap"
"store buy","01080306010D0100|15240000|Recovery kit (X-Large)","50|100"
"store buy","01080002010D0100|5B080000|Dragon Horse","1|1"
"store close","Stable-Keeper Salihap","E9010000"
"cmd","[stop walking]",""
"store open","0101000000","07020000|Jewel Lapidary Mamoje"
"store close","Jewel Lapidary Mamoje","07020000"
"cmd","[cast horse]",""
"cmd","[clear hunting]",""
"cmd","[add hunting]","-723;113;100"
"cmd","[stop walking]",""
"cmd","[Start Bot]",""
any ideas as to why its not working?

i renamed level 49.lst to defult.lst just in case that could make it work gunna try it now...

nope still get the same message... im out of ideas... any help?
when u save it it will be saved with the town name for example hotan (with out .lst)

open the scripts folder u will find it hotan.lst
delete hotan only and name defaul and make sure u right defaul right .

sp:rename it after saving it not when saving it
06/20/2008 23:10 iW84u#132
when i make script where i should paste it ???
06/20/2008 23:20 thesinerd#133
Damn man ever heard of a program named "EditPatrol" It's main and almost only usage was for building scripts aka just about every thing you posted. It is almost the same damn program, very nicely done.
06/21/2008 12:00 John Dread#134
Originally Posted by iW84u View Post
when i make script where i should paste it ???
into your AgBot folder called config/config1/script
06/21/2008 14:57 Lizzzy#135
Hey guys, I just began to use the bot and town script maker...

I managed everything so far [i guess^^], but my bot keeps doing weird stuff.
I used TSM to create my hotan script and then the walkback to get to my grinding place (shakrams).
I copy n pasted the two into my default.lst folder n pressed yes to overwrite it.
Should be fine so far, right?

But whenever my bot is in Hotan, he keeps buffing himself and runs all over the place, into houses, trees...just not where Id like him to run :/
I had the same problem with my first self-recorded script.

Oh and somehow my bot doesn't rly like full inventory? Thats possible?

hugs n kisses to you all xxx